The Penalty Management Family

Fun activities to help you learn these positions...

1: Take at least one PB sheets per person (trainer and trainee) + clipboards, pencils & 2 stopwatches

2: Fill one PB sheet with imaginary PB situations, as it would be filled in during gameplay

3: One person read from the filled in PB sheet what happens. (ex: "jam 5 starts. Incoming.. black pivot... number five three. Sits down... now!" or "Jam 6 ends. Two white blockers come to the box, number zero and number six. Jam 7 starts.... now! Incoming, white pivot, number eight.. (etc)" ). The other has a empty PB sheet and reacts on what happens, times, fills sheet, instruct player, handles PB whiteboard etc. If the acting PBT/PBM gets too stressed and starts to fail, make a "jam ends" and pause and go through what didn't work, go back and re-do and perhaps at a slower pace not using the clocks

4: If the trainer wants to train too, switch roles.

HB - STRD (Stockholm)

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