the Roll-and-Write global-Jam

24 september 2018: the results are in!

Read all about the winning designs here.

Thank you to everyone who participated and the judges for giving up so much of their time!

10 september 2018: The jam has finished!

As of 10th September 2018, the Jam has finished. Judges are currently working their way through the 56 submissions!

The theme of the game jam was: Autumn! There were also component limitations. For all the specifics, click here.

What is the Roll-and-Write Global-Jam?

The Roll-and-Write Global-Jam is an online game-design event, where participants are challenged to make a simple game in the roll-and-write genre. It's open to all - people of every background and every level of game design experience. If you've never made a game before, the Roll-and-Write Global-Jam is an opportunity to give game-making a try. If you've got plenty of game designs under your belt, then the Jam provides you with some stimulating thematic and practical limitations to design within.

What is a roll-and-write?

Roll-and-write games, also simply called 'roll-and-writes', are tabletop games which are exactly as they say on the tin: players roll dice and then use the results to write on a sheet of paper. Although the description works, it does not do the genre any justice! The underlying idea of roll-and-writes is that every decision you make is permanent and often players need to push their luck to get the winning score.

For a more detailed answer, inspiration, and links to some free printable roll-and-writes, head over to this page.

Welcome to...

Rolling America



Who can take part?

Anybody, as long as you have access to paper, pencils, dice, and players! We would like to specifically extend the invitation for this jam to women, designers of colour, LGBTQIA+ designers, and - of course - beginning and experienced designers of any background.

What is the time-frame?

The designing part of the game jam will take place from the 1st of September to the 9th of September. If you can put aside a few evenings during this period, you too can make a game for the jam!

Then judging and collecting feedback will be done from the 10th of September till the 20th of September. On the 23rd of September, we will reveal the games we thought were the most interesting, most creative, most unique, most innovative, or most challenging.

Who is judging the entries?

We have a varied panel of judges:

Boardgame Minimalist

Boardgame Minimalist is a reviewer and content creator specialising in solo games and two-player games, as well as a roll-and-write enthusiast.

robin david

Robin David is the designer of the award-winning Movable Type and several roll-and-write games such as Ada Lovelace: Consulting Mathematician, and the upcoming Spiel 2018 release Tag City.

fiona and amy of the game Shelf

Fiona and Amy of The Game Shelf are prolific tabletop content creators who are not afraid to let their two opinions meet on a diverse range of tabletop games. As a board gaming couple, they specialise at low player counts, mostly two-player games.

Derik Duley

Derik Duley describes himself as "Lover of God, Nicole, and games! Designer and developer at Lagniappe Games, and the man behind the recent roll and write game Ancient Artifacts."

joey schouten

Joey Schouten is a tabletop game designer who does research into roll-and-write games when not designing games or playtesting for the roll-and-write community.

Board Game Inquisition

Board Game Inquisition is all about providing inspection for your collection. We create reviews, Kickstarter previews and monthly collection roundups to help you curate the perfect board game collection!

Ethan Day-Jones

Ethan Day-Jones is a tabletop game designer whose most recent published work is Dare to Dream. He also organizes outreach events for aspiring tabletop designers.

ross connell

Ross Connell is a passionate advocate of board game art, interviewing illustrators on his site More Games Please. He also runs a popular Instagram under the same name, styling and shooting games in play.

What are the prizes for the winning entries?

More prizes to be announced! As it currently stands, first place will receive a copy of the new roll-and-write, Tag City (after it has been released at Essen 2018) and a copy of Movable Type: Second Edition.

Second and Third place will win copies of Movable Type.

Ancient Artifacts will also be available as a prize for the most innovative game.

Five copies of Twenty One will be given to participants at random.

And of course, everybody who enters will have the prestige of being part of the game jam! Judges comments and feedback will be shared with individual entrants.

Tag City, published by Runes Edition

Movable Type: Second Edition, by Uncanny Cardboard

Ancient Artifacts, by Lagniappe Games

Twenty One by NSV.

Where can I send my questions?

You can email the organisers directly here. Or you can reach out to Robin David or Joey Schouten on Twitter.