The Codex possibly first appears in history in 1743 in a catalog of a Rohonc library. Despite the inability to read it, the codex became categorized as a prayer book. However, there is no definitive proof this is the same codex as the Rohonc Codex, even though the prayer book is written in a contemporary Hungarian language.

The Codex of Rohonc is a lengthy handwritten book filled with unknown sign-strings and more than 80 seemingly biblical illustrations. Nothing is known about the provenance of the manuscript; its Hungarian or even East-Central European origin is possible but not certain. The initial enthusiasm of nineteenth-century Hungarian scholars for the supposedly Early Hungarian script was soon followed by disappointment, and late nineteenth-century scholarship came to the conclusion that the codex was a forgery. This conclusion, however, seems fairly implausible today in light of historical evidence. If the text of the Rohonc codex is not a hoax, it must be a consciously encoded or enciphered text. In theory, it may be (1) a cipher, (2) a shorthand system, or (3) an artificial language, and these possibilities are systematically assessed in the article with the help of historical analogies.

Rohonc Codex Pdf Free Download


To my opinion the book is a copy of an earlier codex. I also believe that the copier was not aware

of the meaning of the text.


1) The way of writing the signs is not realy consistent. Assuming a read direction RLUD

 some marks appear on the almost right side of page so they seem to be added later (52a,126a,31a,63a).

 May be the writer forgot to write them down during the copy process.

 This is only believable in assumption one is not aware of the meaning of the writing he does.

 If he was the author he would never forget to write down a sign at the beginning of a line.

 This findings can be considered as a strong hint for the text to be a copy.

Hello friends,

I like to suggest a workinggroup on transliteration of the codex. If everybody works on a few pages and we put it all together it should be a very easy work to be done. The only thing we need is a well-designed transliteration code. If anybody is interested in this work or has some good ideas, please let me know.

Hello Mr. Horne,

I agree, its a good idea to look for matches with ottoman turkish language. If we would have a reasonable transcription of the codex we could compare the lingustic statistics. This could be a very strong first hint. Are there any ideas about such a transliteration. Because of the ligatures it could not be done the easy way .

Dear colleagues,

A first suggestion about the content of the codex : Its a Bogomilian or Manichean text. The syncretistic content of the illustrations (buildings with cross,crescent,swastica or may be manichean-cross) and the pictures of a crucified man could be hints. May be its the life of Mani.

What s your opinion about such a theory

Since the scribe is assumed not to have understood what he was copying, Turkish or Hungarian seem unlikely because a scribe familiar with either language would not be hard to find and much preferable.

A language relevant to Hungary but then little known might be Avar. The provenance of this language is unknown but the codex is so unlike known languages that it might be worth examining the old written forms of a language like Caucasian Avar.

If the written codex is indeed a hoax, the very fact that it is compiled in to a bound book enforces the notion that there is a story to tell. The story might be a work of fiction, a recipe book or instruction manual, but nevertheless it is the format of the writing that alludes to the promise of decipherment. I have questioned this idea before with regards to the Voynich Manuscript and the Voynich Symphony. How much of our yearning to decipher the writing comes from the fact that it is a book? I wonder how much we strive to read and understand asemic works with the hopes of grasping semantic content for the sheer fact that we understand the book format to be a method of disseminating information.

Marius-Adrian Oancea considera que el cdice trata temas relacionados con el Nuevo Testamento, el lenguaje del cdice es el hngaro y las palabras se codifican en una versin del antiguo alfabeto hngaro tambin conocido como szkely rovsrs o szkely-magyar rovs. Su solucin propuesta est publicada electrnicamente en 006ab0faaa

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