
Few of these projects are done in free-time and others are a part of coursework

Garbage Classification

Using Alexnet Deep Learning Architecture, images corresponding to numerous types are classified and its extension to IoT is discussed

URL Featurizer & Classification

Full-fledged GUI for URL classification aided with a simple Deep Learning model via Streamlit and the conversion of Tensorflow Neural Network into a lighter and portable model for microprocessors and IoT Devices

Chaos Game Representation

Building GUI for Chaos Game Representation for Genomic Sequence and vectorizing C.G.R for measuring closeness and application of clustering algorithms

Stroke Detection via ML

Full-fledged GUI for predicting whether a given person is vulnerable to a stroke

Kuka KR-5 Robotic Arm

Genetic Algorithm and Optimisation based forward and inverse kinematics

Bengali Tweets Sentiment Analysis and Prediction

From a collection of tweets in Bengali, numerous NLP techniques were applied to extract features for prediction

ROS Robotic Planning

BB-8 Robot URDF developed for ROS Neotic for path tracing

The source code for all the above-mentioned projects can be found on my git