Rohini Ramadas

 I am an assistant professor at the Warwick Mathematics Institute.  During Spring 2022, I was a research member at MSRI's semester on complex dynamics.  

My research is complex dynamics and in algebraic geometry. More specifically, I’m interested in the dynamics of  self-maps of P^1 and P^n, in dynamical degrees, in moduli spaces of curves and maps, and in tropical geometry. I've studied dynamical systems on moduli spaces as well as moduli spaces of dynamical systems.  

Between July 2023 and June 2026, my research will be partially supported by an EPSRC New Investigator Award (EP/X026612/1).

Here is my CV.


My email address is:


During 2018-2021, I was a Tamarkin Assistant Professor of Mathematics and NSF postdoctoral fellow at Brown University.  During the academic year 2017-2018, I was an NSF postdoctoral fellow at Harvard University. I received a Ph.D. in Mathematics in 2017 from the University of Michigan, advised by David Speyer and Sarah Koch. In 2011, I received a Master’s degree in Biology from the National Centre of Biological Science in Bangalore, where I spent four years in a Ph.D. program, advised by Mukund Thattai. During this period, I took math classes at the Indian Institute of Science, and also spent Fall 2009 at the Budapest Semesters in Mathematics. My undergraduate degree is in Life Sciences and Biochemistry, from St. Xavier’s College, Mumbai.

Preprints; math

"Thurston obstructions and tropical geometry".  Available at 

Publications and accepted preprints; math

"Moduli spaces of quadratic maps: arithmetic and geometry". Accepted at International Mathematics Research Notices; available at

With Emily Clader, Chiara Damiolini, and Shiyue Li:  "Wonderful compactifications and rational curves with cyclic actions".  Forum of Mathematics, Sigma; available at

With Patrick Ingram and Joseph H. Silverman: "Post-critically finite maps on P^n for n≥2 are sparse". Transactions of the AMS; available at

With Rob Silversmith: "Equations at infinity for critical-orbit-relation families of rational maps". Experimental Mathematics; available at (Former title: "Quadratic rational maps with a five-periodic critical point".)

With Emily Clader, Chiara Damiolini, Daoji Huang and Shiyue Li:  "Permutohedral complexes and rational curves with cyclic action." Manuscripta Mathematica; available at

With Rob Silversmith: "Two-dimensional cycle classes on M_{0,n}-bar".  Mathematische Zeitschrift 2022; available at

"Pullbacks of kappa classes on M_{0,n}-bar". Proceedings of the AMS 2021, available at

"Algebraic stability of meromorphic maps descended from Thurston's pullback map." Transactions of the AMS, 2020; available at Arxiv:1904.08000

With Nguyen-Bac Dang: "Dynamical invariants of monomial correspondences". Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems 2020; available at

"Dynamical degrees of Hurwitz correspondences." Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems, 2019. Available at ArXiv:1602.02846

"Hurwitz correspondences on compactifications of M_{0,n}." Advances in Mathematics, 2018. Available at ArXiv:1510.07277.

Ph.D. Thesis 

"Dynamics on the moduli space of pointed rational curves". University of Michigan, 2017

Publications; biology

With Mukund Thattai: “New Organelles by Gene Duplication in a Biophysical Model of Eukaryote Endomembrane Evolution.” Biophysical Journal, June 2013. Available here.

With Mukund Thattai: “Flipping DNA to generate and regulate microbial consortia.” Genetics, January 2010. Available here.

Other writing

With Isabel Vogt: "How to organize a graduate workshop", Notices of the AMS, December 2019. 

Teaching at the University of Warwick

Autumn 2023: MA4A5 (Algebraic Geometry)

Spring 2023: MA260 (Norms, Metrics, and Topologies)

Autum 2022: MA4A5 (Algebraic Geometry)

Autumn 2021: MA4A5 (Algebraic Geometry)

Teaching at Brown University

Spring 2020: Math 1530 (Abstract Algebra)

Fall 2019: Math 1580 (Cryptography) and Math 0540 (Honors Linear Algebra)

Spring 2019: Math 1010 (Analysis: Functions of One Variable)

Fall 2018: Math 1580 (Cryptography) and Math 0540 (Honors Linear Algebra)

Workshops, seminars etc. that I have co-organized

WIAG2: A collaborative workshop in algebraic geometry; IAS Princeton, June 2024

Women In Algebraic Geometry at ICERM; July 2020

AMS Special Session on Algebraic Geometry in Dynamics; March 2021 

AGNES at Brown; October 2018

Graduate workshop in Algebraic Geometry for Women and Mathematicians of Minority Genders; February 2018

At MSRI in Spring 2022, I was a co-organizer of the complex dynamics research seminar and of the arithmetic dynamics learning seminar.  

During Autumn 2021, Diane Maclagan, Rob Silversmith and I organized a learning seminar on M_{0,n}-bar at the University of Warwick.

I was one of the organizers of the Brown University Algebraic Geometry Seminar (Spring 2019-Spring 2020).

My somewhat defunct recipe blog.

Slides from a talk at the LMS-Bath Symposium in Combinatorial Algebraic Geometry, August 2022.  "Pullbacks of kappa-classes on M_{0,n}-bar."

Video of a talk at the MSRI Adventurous Berkeley Complex Dynamics Workshop, May 2022. "Irreducibility of Gleason polynomials implies irreducibility of Per_n".