Math 1010, Analysis: Functions of One Variable

Spring 2019


Rohini Ramadas

Office: Kassar House 219


I endorse Federico Ardila's axioms:

Axiom 1. Mathematical talent is distributed equally among different groups, irrespective of geographic, demographic, and economic boundaries.

Axiom 2. Everyone can have joyful, meaningful, and empowering mathematical experiences.

Axiom 3. Mathematics is a powerful, malleable tool that can be shaped and used differently by various communities to serve their needs.

Axiom 4. Every student deserves to be treated with dignity and respect.


Class timings: MWF 1:00 PM to 1:50 PM in Friedman Hall 208

Office hours: Mondays 11:00AM-12:00PM (Kassar 219) and 2:00PM-3:00PM (Kassar 205); Wednesdays 2:00PM-3:00M (Kassar 205).

In-class midterms: February 15 and March 20

Final exam: May 14, 2019, 9:00AM-12:00PM in McMillan 115

The final exam is worth 40% of the course grade and cannot be missed or rescheduled for any reason.

Texts and syllabus

We will loosely follow "The Way of Analysis," by Strichartz. To begin with, we'll cover chapters 2-6.

Another good textbook to read the same material from is Tao's "Analysis I".


Homework comprises 20% of the course grade. It is posted on the course website. No late HW will be accepted for any reason. Instead, I will drop your lowest two HW scores when computing your course grade.


Course handout

A primer on basic set notation, from Eastern Illinois University.

Handwritten notes are posted below after every class. These contain more details than I will mention in class, and are an important resource for studying for the exams and homework.

Extra practice problems for the final exam. I will add more problems to this file from time to time

Math 1010 Spring 2019 Schedule