
Sustainable Design of Chemical, bio and Energy Processes

Sustainable process design pursues mitigating environmental impacts and resource depletion while guaranteeing economic feasibility compared to conventional processes that mostly rely on fossil fuel-based resources. We aim to develop sustainable chemical, bio, and energy processes by building mathematical models of processing units, designing process flowsheets, and analyzing process performances in multiple aspects. Furthermore, we numerically optimize the designed process for maximal profitability, minimal environmental impacts, or balanced solutions

Relevant Publications

Evaluation Methods and Computer-aided Analysis Tools for emerging Green Technologies

Analyzing emerging technologies for manufacturing chemical/biological products (e.g., carbon capture and utilization, microbial biorefinery, Power-to-X, etc.) in terms of economic viability, environmental impacts, and risk is a challenging task due to the low availability of reliable process data, a large number of scenarios, data uncertainties, etc. We develop systematic evaluation methods and user-friendly computer-aided analysis tools that allow us to perform early-stage evaluations of green technologies quickly, consistently, and reliably to support decision-making for further R&D focus.

Relevant Publications

Flexible Operation of Energy-intensive Processes

Due to significant temporal fluctuations in the generation of renewable electricity, challenges for power grid stability arise. One way of stabilizing the grid is by adapting the electricity demand to its provision via demand side management (DSM). In DSM, energy-intensive processes are operated flexibly in order to increase their operational level when a large share of electricity from intermittent resources is available and to decrease their operation when the share is small. Our goal is to invent novel methods and algorithms for determining the optimal operation profile of energy-intensive processes. In particular, we are interested in integrating such a flexible operation with process design, equipment degradation, uncertainty, etc.

Relevant Publications 

PSE-related Lectures @ CNU

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