Every GI has a bio-chip attached to their bodies. All theirpersonality traits are downloaded onto the chip. In the instance theyare killed in combat their chips can be re-assigned to pieces ofequipment and live on in mechanical form. They can also be re-genedinto another body and be reborn to fight as a GI again. In RogueTrooper Redux we come into contact with 3 of Rogues fellow troopers.All 3 aid in his progession throughout the game.

Bagmans' life started with tragedy, with at 12 years old his actionslead to the murder of prototype GI's. Milli-Com exterminated them asa result of Bagman disvovering their existence. After being clearedfor combat Bagman was sent to Nu-Earth where he met a grizzly fate.His bio-chip is taken on by rogue where he is integral in the storageof useful materials for the creation of ammo and other equipment.

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Brilliant. I love Lego 2000AD builds. What head did you use? I really like the way you made rogue's legs, it gives a great sense of motion. You have captured the futility of fighting for Nu Earth very well with the desolate landscape and high tech amongst the mud. Nice work with the sloping plates too.

Rogue Trooper Redux puts you in the role of a Southern G.I. known as Rogue. An attack from the opposing Nort army sees the G.I.s deployed against them, but a traitor sells out the G.I.s and causes their deaths. Rogue survives and manages to upload his three best friends into his gun, backpack, and helmet. Now the four of them set out to discover who the traitor was and get revenge. You can assume the story's satirical intentions thanks to the fact that everyone has dumb names that spell out exactly what they are. For example, Rogue's (who goes rogue) three friends are named Gunner, Bagman, and Helm, and you can easily figure out who's getting downloaded into what based on that alone. Beyond this, the plot doesn't really go anywhere. Early on there's a big deal made about the Norts getting a poison that specifically works on G.I.s, and this is promptly never brought up again. One of the villains just sort of stops showing up partway through the story, while the game ends on a super unsatisfactory note. You could skip every cutscene in the game and miss nothing.

In a way, it's tough to write this extremely scathing review of Rogue Trooper Redux. I like the idea of giving a real graphical update to an older cult classic and rereleasing it for people to replay or discover. It just requires understanding that some games do not age even remotely well, and some games shouldn't really be taken from your nostalgic memories and thrust back into the spotlight. Maybe Rogue Trooper was a decent game in 2006, but it's an outright disaster in 2017. This trooper should stay rogue. e24fc04721

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