League Rules

The ROFFA League is a multi division (both open and round robin) Blood Bowl league based in Rotterdam. Anyone who can field a Blood Bowl team is allowed to play whenever they feel like it in the open division. For the round robin coaches have twoo weeks to finish their match. There are some restrictions that will be listed later. League nights will be organized every 2nd Thursday and 4th Wednesday of the month.

To take part you need to register a team in Tourplay, pay the 4€ fee, and join the league WhatsApp group. If we don't know you yet, please fill out the Contact a commish form on this page.

The season starts March 1st 2023. From this date onwards the league will be active in Tourplay. The season will be terminated on September 30 2023.

League nights will be held at either TTK or a league memebers house, Rotterdam. During these nights the commish will assign match-ups (see section arranging matches).

Midnight (Rotterdam from August 31st to September 1st the qualifying phase will end. Teams that qualify for the play offs will be barred from playing any matches other than the (semi)finals. Other teams may complete their 10 games in a consolation stage to prepare their teams for redraft.

League Rules

(Re)drafting teams

New teams have a draft budget of 1,000,000 gold pieces and are allowed to add unspent budget to the treasury.

Redrafting of teams from previous seasons is possible with the following restrictions:

A cap of 1,300,000 gold pieces for redraft budget is in place

After redrafting it is not possible to have cash left in your treasury.

Fans carried over from last season do not count towards the redraft budget.

During step 2 of the redraft process, when the treasury is emptied, the coach can use up to 50k per match played from the treasury. The rest of the treasury is lost.

The league consists of two stages


Play-Offs & Consolation

Please note that, between the triggering of the redraft process by the commish and the end of your first match, it is not allowed to give your players a new skill.


Ranking and matching

The qualification phase is an open structure. Teams are allowed to play 10 matches against different teams in this phase. Scoring will be according to the Blood Bowl rulebook as follows:

Win: 3 points

Draw: 1 point

Loss: 0 points

Tiebreakers are Touchdowns scored and Casualties scored.

The top four teams on midnight August 31st to September 1st qualify to be invited for the play-offs. If teams decline the invitation for the play-offs, the next highest ranked team from a coach who has not yet been invited for the play-offs will be invited until all places in the play-offs are filled.

Arranging Matches

During the qualification stage coaches are free to play whoever they want whenever they like using the challenge option in Tourplay. You may challenge any team twice. Should it be impossible to match teams who haven’t played each other yet at a league night, the commish can make an exception.

Every league night the commish will send an email asking who is joining the league night. In order for the commish to keep track of the participation, it is necessary you reply to the email if you wish to play.

Those who sign up for the league night will be matched to an opponent by the commish.

Coaches can also arrange their own opponents for league nights, but both coaches need to inform the commish of this arrangement when signing up for the league night. In case it is not possible to match all participants due to pre-arranged match-ups, the commish may request the pre-arranged match be postponed and arrange a different match-up anyway.

Blood Bowl rules

The rules from the core rule book, the latest official FAQ, and teams and star-players from Spike! Magazines are used. Chaos Dwarves and High Elves may be drafted according to the teams of legend, as well as Slann teams according to the NAF rules.

The following rules from Death Zone are used:

(In)Famous Coaching Staff

Biased Referees


Other Inducements listed on page 36-39

The following rules from Death Zone are optional and may be used, provided both coaches agree it will add to the fun prior to the match being started on Tourplay:

A load of balls

Weather Tables

Death Zone rules not used:

Rostered Star Players

Stadium rules

Giant-Sized Inducements


Expanded rules for mercenaries (normal mercenaries acc page 92 of the rulebook are available)

Match Events

The following star players require the team to spend at least 50k on non-working inducements, i.e. inducements of this values need to be bought in tourplay that cannot be used during the match:

Bomber Dribblesnot 

Deeproot Strongbranch 

Griff Oberwald 

Hakflem Skuttlespike 

Kreek ‘the Verminator’ Rustgouger 

Morg ‘n’ Thorg

Cindy Piewhistle.

If rosters are updated in Spike! Magazine during the league, a coach needs to decide to enter a new team created to these rules and/or to finish the league with the team he started with. If a roster is updated by a Spike! Magazine update, it may not be possible to redraft the team. Match results can not be carried over to new teams.

Please note that balls, stadiums and weather tables from Spike! Magazines are not allowed.

Play-Offs & Consolation

Rules for teams in the Play-offs

Teams in the play-offs will not be allowed to play any other matches until the end of the season.  Any coach can have only one team in the play-offs. A coach who has multiple teams in the top 4 of the qualifying phase needs to decline the invitation for play-offs for any additional team that has qualified.

The highest ranked team from the qualifying round will play the lowest ranked team in one semi final. The other two teams will play each other in the other semi-final. The winners of the semi-finals will play the final, the losers will play the little final for third prize.

The (semi)finals need to be scheduled before the league night of April 6. In principle the semi-finals are planned for April 6 and the finals are scheduled for the April 18 league night. However, these dates may be rescheduled if finalists agree with the commissioner on an alternative date by the 5th of April.

Both the semi-finals and finals will be announced in the match-up email for the August x league night so all ROFFA participants may attend.

Please decline the invitation to take part in the play-offs if you expect you will not be able to play the semi-final and final in time. The next season can't be started before the final has been entered in Tourplay.

Blood Bowl  rules for the play-offs only

The following rules are valid during the play-offs:

In case the match ends in a roll-off, the winning team selects a random player who is recorded as scoring a touchdown.

Consolation friendlies

Teams that did not qualify for the play offs can play friendly consolation matches to take their total for the season up to 12 during September. The rules for cross-division friendlies apply for these matches, meaning:

These matches count towards the redraft budget

No MVPs are awarded

You can play only one friendly against the same team

No league points are awarded

Prizes & Awards

The winner gets:

100,000 gold to be added to their treasury

A physical trophy to represent the trophy re-roll

The runner up gets:

60,000 gold to be added to their treasury

Third place gets:

30,000 gold to be added to their treasury


We use tourplay to keep track of the league. To make this run smoothly, please pay attention to the following:

Fair Play & Sportsmanship

A game of Blood Bowl typically takes up to two-and-a-half hours. If you regularly find your games take longer, we request you play with a clock. Limiting your turns to 4 minutes is one way, or you can limit your total playing time to an hour or 90 minutes. A faster paced game is not only more fun, it also helps you to become a better player. Learning from your mistakes is an effective way to become a better coach. The Android app BB Coach Assistant has a good game timer and provides an easy reference during your game. No doubt there are also good game timers available for iPhones.

It is not mandatory to field a painted team, but in case you haven’t painted them yet during their first match, it would be appreciated if you at least intend to paint them over the course of the season. The least we require is that:

You assemble the miniatures,

Number miniatures in accordance with your tourplay roster,

Positionals are easily identifiable (e.g. base ringed or colored bands),

Make sure all players are individually identifiable.

Lastly, if you suspect a coach of intentional cheating, please do report this to the commish. The commish will investigate and, if there is cause to do so, warn any offending player. Repeating offenders will be suspended and eventually banned from the league.

League Orcanizers:

Commish: Bastiaan Uijttewaal

Treasurer: Nathan Muusz