
About me

I am currently a PhD student in mathematics at University of Valladolid, Spain, under the supervision of Philippe Gimenez and Diego Ruano. My main research interest is algebraic coding theory. In particular, I am focused on studying applications of commutative algebra in coding theory. I am also interested in the applications of coding theory to cryptography and quantum error-correction.

Here are some quotes that I like: [1], [2] (other version [3]).

My full name is Rodrigo San José Rubio.

Journal papers 

3. P. Gimenez, D. Ruano, R. San-José. Subfield subcodes of projective Reed-Muller codes. Finite Fields Appl. 94, 102353 (2024). [preprint] [paper]2. P. Gimenez, D. Ruano, R. San-José. Entanglement-assisted quantum error-correcting codes from subfield subcodes of projective Reed-Solomon codes. Comp. Appl. Math. 42, 363 (2023). [preprint] [paper]1. P. Gimenez, D. Ruano, R. San-José. Saturation and vanishing ideals. São Paulo J. Math. Sci., 17, 147-155 (2023). [preprint] [paper]


4. E. Camps-Moreno, H.H. López, G.L. Matthews, D. Ruano, R. San-José, I. Soprunov. The poset of binary CSS-T quantum codes and cyclic codes. ArXiv 2312.17518 (2023). [preprint]3. D. Ruano, R. San-José. The hull variation problem for projective Reed-Muller codes and quantum error-correcting codes. ArXiv 2312.15308 (2023). [preprint]2. D. Ruano, R. San-José. Hulls of projective Reed-Muller codes over the projective plane. ArXiv  2312.13921 (2023). [preprint]1. R. San-José. A recursive construction for projective Reed-Muller codes. ArXiv 2312.05072 (2023). [preprint]


14. “Projective Reed-Muller codes: subfield subcodes, generalized Hamming weights and hulls”, Séminaire Géométrie et algèbre effectives. Institut de recherche mathématique de Rennes. 09/02/24.13. "A recursive construction for projective Reed-Muller codes", Congreso Bienal de la RSME. Pamplona. 25/01/24.12. "Quantum codes for fault-tolerant computation", Follow-up workshop secureCAT project. Aguilar de Campoo. 11/01/24.11. "Subfield subcodes of projective Reed-Solomon codes", SIAM TX-LA 2023. University of Louisiana, Lafayette. 04/11/23.10."A recursive construction for projective Reed-Muller codes, Part 2", Applied Algebra Seminar, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg. 17/10/23.9. "A recursive construction for projective Reed-Muller codes, Part 1", Applied Algebra Seminar, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg. 12/10/23.8. "Vanishing ideals and evaluation codes", ACA 2023. Instytut Informatyki Technicznej, Warsaw. 17/07/23.7. "Entanglement-assisted quantum error-correcting codes from subfield subcodes of projective Reed-Solomon codes", Jornada de Doctorado IMUVa. 28/06/23.6. "Entanglement-assisted quantum error-correcting codes from subfield subcodes of projective Reed-Solomon codes", PICS. 11/05/23.5. "Subfield subcodes of projective Reed-Muller codes", VI Congreso de Jóvenes Investigadores de la RSME. Universidad de León. 09/02/23.4. "Codes over the projective space and applications", Kick-Off Meeting secureCAT project. Aguilar de Campoo. 25/01/23.3. "About the computation of vanishing ideals with applications to coding theory", Fourth BYMAT Conference. Universitat de València and Universitat Politècnica de València (online). 11/11/22.2. "Saturation and vanishing ideals", Jornada de Doctorado IMUVa. 30/06/22.1. "Saturation and vanishing ideals", XVII Meeting on Computer Algebra and Applications. EACA 2022. Universidad Jaume I de Castellón. 22/06/22.


M. Sc. in Mathematics, 2020-2021University of ValladolidDegree in Mathematics, 2015-2020University of ValladolidDegree in Physics, 2015-2020University of Valladolid