Rodrigo Costa's Research


I am an assistant professor of Systems Design Engineering at the University of Waterloo. My research focuses on societal and environmental systems and examines how communities' physical, economic, and social systems interact to exacerbate disaster risk and further socioeconomic and racial inequalities. Rodrigo works at the interface between engineering and social sciences. Outside of my academic research, I collaborate with emergency managers, urban planners, resilience officers, and insurance companies to further understand disaster risks. My goal is to inform targeted interventions to reduce disaster impacts, accelerate recovery, and ensure that all of society participates in the benefits. I hold a Ph.D. in Earthquake Engineering from the University of British Columbia and before joining the University of Waterloo, I was a post-doctoral scholar at the Stanford Urban Resilience Initiative.

Research Interests

My seeks to understand how extreme natural events can become disasters. I learn from past events to create simulation models that provide insights into what may happen in the next ‘big one’ - an earthquake, wildfire, flood. My long-term goal is to create simulation models that will allow us to understand how all aspects of a community are impacted by and bounce back (or not) from disasters. In the meantime, I have focused on three community aspects: infrastructure, housing, and businesses.




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