
Work in Progress

Kaufmann, S. and R.W. Strachan (2024) “Dynamic factor models with common (drifting) stochastic trends”, under submission.

Eisenstat, E. and R.W. Strachan (2023) “Singular Vector Autoregressions”, under submission.

[paper, short online appendix, long online appendix]

Chan, J.C.C., Doucet, A., León-González, R. and R.W. Strachan “Multivariate Stochastic Volatility with Co-Heteroscedasticity,” under submission. 


(This paper gives a new way to estimate singular state space models)

(Bayesian estimation of the static factor model without ordering restrictions)

(Gives consideration to whether log volatility in inflation should be a random walk or some stationary process)

(Rather than evaluating the full support for an economic model, this paper looks at the evidence for aspects of a model for investment specific technology shocks)