Adam Rodgers for Ohio Governor 2022

About The Candidate - Adam Rodgers was born in 1985, the Son of a Korean War Veteran he has always respected the US Constitution and the founding principals of the Constitutional Republic that America was built on by the Founding Fathers. After surviving Colon Cancer in 2016 Adam decided to run as a Write In Candidate during the 2018 Governor's Race. After seeing all the Unconstitutional things going on around America, Adam realized in 2019 that it was time to make a real run for 2022 and turn Ohio back into the Constitutionalist State we should have always been. Since 2019 Adam has been on the front lines fighting to help make Ohio a 2nd Amendment Sanctuary State. He has also been very active in trying to get lawmakers to pass Stand Your Ground and Constitutional Carry among other Pro 2A Legislation. Adam is a Constitutionalist, a Pro 2A Advocate and a Champion of Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. A vote for Adam Rodgers in the 2022 Midterms will mean a Vote for Freedom and putting Ohio back on the right track to Future Success for Generations to Come.

Adam's 10 Point Platform for Ohio Governor

1. Constitutional Platform - Create a 1,000 Year Moratorium to Protect the US Constitution in Ohio. All Unconstitutional Legislation Submitted by any member of the General Assembly / State Level civil servants or at any Local Level (Mayor, City Council, County Commissioners, Township Trustees etc) is Immediate Grounds for Termination from Office and Arrest for Oath Breaking.

Enact The Dayton Never Again Act - Make Constitutional Carry Legal Statewide.

Expand Stand Your Ground to stop Civil Lawsuits against Ohioans who have to defend themselves from Criminals.

Expend Knife Laws to stop Municipalities from trying to enforce Unconstitutional Arrests.

Create The Denny Stong Act - Basic Firearms Safety Courses in All Ohio Schools and Free Safety Courses for Adults. Allows anyone 18 to 20 who has passed a BFSC to purchase handguns in Ohio for Personal Safety and Self Defense. Make Ohio a Firearms Freedom State.

2. Pro Life & Medical Freedom

Pro Life Platform - Includes giving support and proper guidance to young would be mothers and provide them the resources and support they need to have the child they are carrying, including but not limited to Open Adoptions, Network Facilities that would provide free or reduced prenatal care. As well as other facilities that could provide housing units for anyone who is in a terrible situation, similar to battered woman's shelters. This platform would also overhaul Sex Ed classes and create new manhood and womanhood courses in Ohio Schools to give students firsthand knowledge and experience of what parenthood is like.

Medical Freedom Platform - Hold Big Pharma Criminally Accountable for the Medical Tyranny they are currently pushing against Americans. Make sure that Vaccine & Pharmaceutical Damage cases are actually reported properly and that Lawsuits can ensue with them. Allow every Ohioan to make their own decisions on what they want in their body and what they don't, Forced Vaccines Will Never Be Mandatory and it's time to pass Vaccine Choice legislation to make sure of that.

3. Ohio's Future Initiative & Constitutional Schooling - Total Overhaul of Public Education including introducing Six Year Trade Programs from 6th to 12th Grade. 5th Grade will be a sampling of four to eight Trades that the kids might want to go into. Kindergarten to 4th Grade will begin Constitutional Learning including teaching kids about why the US Constitution is so needed with later Social Studies and Government Courses in 5th to 12th grade going farther in depth with how Local and State Government works and what the difference between Civil Servants and Politicians truly is. Ban Critical Race Theory, The 1619 Project (Fake History) and Common Core in All Ohio Schools.

Some of the Trade Programs included in the OFI will include but are not limited to (Auto shop, Wood shop, Metal Crafting, Culinary Arts, STEM, Pluming, Welding and Small Engine Mechanic (ATV, Lawn Mower Repair etc) among other available trades.

As someone who has lived both in a Major City and a Small Town, Adam understands that what works in a Big City might not work in a Small Town. As such these 6 year trade programs would be different depending on what part of the state a student goes to school in. Rural Areas would offer specialized Trades involving Farm Equipment. Cities would focus more on STEM and Future Technology. At least half a dozen trades will be offered in All Ohio Schools no matter the region.

4. 100 For 100 Initiative & Future Ohio Manufacturing

100 for 100 - Legalize Cannabis and create Co-Op Grows that anyone can join and profit from for only a $100 entry fee.

Revitalized Manufacturing - When it comes to Manufacturing we will be turning the Rust Belt into the Restoration Belt by bringing back good paying manufacturing jobs that a family can live on. Some of these will include Firearms Manufacturing, Ammunition and Ammo Component Manufacturing, Knife Manufacturing, American Made Pistol and Rifle Optics and Scopes, Firearms Accessories, Steel Manufacturing, Aluminum Manufacturing, Technology Innovation etc.

5. Criminal Justice & Police Reform

Criminal Justice - This includes giving first time offenders of some drug related crimes a chance to better themselves and go into treatment as an alternative to prisons. This overhaul will also include creating One Strike Laws for Child Molesters, Child Murderers and Human Traffickers. It's time for people to learn that Ohio will no longer be a hub for Child Predators.

Police Reform - Create The Eric Talley Act - Includes the Demilitarization of the Cops, there is absolutely no need for MRAP's, Bearcats or any other Armored Vehicles on US Streets. It's also time to properly fund Police Departments and get back to the Community Policing and Accountability we should have never left. Police Bodycams Statewide will be Mandatory. Cops patrolling the areas they live in to create Real Accountability again will also be Mandatory and become the New Normal in Ohio.

6. Fathership For The Future - We will create At Risk Youth Centers to try and catch the kids who would otherwise fall through the cracks and offer them a chance to help themselves better there own lives with the resources provided to become productive members of society instead of falling into the criminal lifestyle and becoming just another statistic. This also includes cracking down hard on Gang Violence and Gang Leadership. As well as creating Mentor Programs at these youth centers as no one ever wants to bring up how big of an issue Fatherless Homes truly are and why so many youth end up in the Gang Life to begin with. It's time for Young Boys to have Father Figures they can look up to that will help them turn into Great Men in the future.

7. Holding Big Tech Accountable Act - Would allow any Ohioan Censored by Big Tech to Sue Silicon Valley Tech Giants with the full backing of Ohio Resources including Lawyers and any other required resources.

8. Ending Career Politician's Act - Create a Mandatory Maximum for how long any individual could hold Elected Office in the State of Ohio. Would also end the Loophole of Elected Officials term limiting out as a State Rep and simply running as a State Senator or vice versa. Term Limits are in place for a reason it's time we enforce them.

9. TRI (Taxpayer, Reimbursement, Income) - Reduce Ohio Taxes and create a better State Tax Code to put more money into Working Ohioans pockets.

10. - Gold and Silver Act - Recognize Gold and Silver as Legal Tender in Ohio as a means to protect our State from a Fiat Dollar Collapse or any other Currency Collapse in the future.

contact info for speaking arrangements or if you'd like to help with the campaign.

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