Rocky Mountain Representation Theory Seminar

(credit: r.classen/shutterstock)

You can find a list of titles for past talks below. Videos and slides are available for some of them as well. 

(credit: Flor Orosz Hunziker)


SPRING 2022:

Andrew Linshaw, University of Denver, Vertex algebras and arc spaces. Abstract The video of the talk can be found here.

Mirko Primc, University of Zagreb, New partition identities from C_l^(1)-modules. Abstract The video for the talk can be found here and the slides here.

Christoph Schweigert, University of Hamburg, Rigidity in conformal field theory and vertex algebras beyond rigidity. Abstract The video for the talk can be found here.

Uhi Rinn Suh, Seoul National University, N=1 Supersymmetric (SUSY) W-algebras. Abstract The video for the talk can be found here. 

Nina Yu, Xiamen University, Fusion products of twisted modules in permutation orbifolds. Abstract. The video for the talk can be found here.

Brian Williams, University of Edinburgh, Exceptional super Lie algebras and their representations from M-theory. Abstract The video for the talk can be found here.

Bojko Bakalov, North Carolina State University, On the cohomology of vertex algebras and Poisson vertex algebras.  Abstract. The video for the talk can be found here.

Wenjun Niu, University of California, Davis, Beta-gamma VOA and 3d mirror symmetry. Abstract. The video for the talk can be found here.

Natasha Rozhkovskaya, Kansas State University, Linear Transformations of Vertex operators of Hall-Littlewood Polynomials. Abstract. The video for the talk can be found here.

Chongying Dong, University of California Santa Cruz, Pointed modular tensor categories. Abstract The video for the talk can be found here.

Andrew Linshaw, University of Denver, Global sections of the chiral de Rham complex for Calabi-Yau and hyperkahler manifolds. Abstract