Peer-Reviewed Publications

  • Caspi., T., Soto Villa, A.E., Hartz, L.E., Loesberg, J.A., Robins, C.R., and Meyer, W.M., 2019. Impacts of invasive annuals on soil carbon and nitrogen storage in southern California depend on the identity of the invader. Ecology and Evolution 9: 4980–4993 . link.
  • Del Vecchio, J., Lang, K.A., Robins, C.R., McGuire, C., and Rhodes, E.J., 2018. Storage and weathering of landslide debris in the eastern San Gabriel Mountains, California, USA: implications for mountain solute flux. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 43 (13): 2724-2737. link.
  • Caspi, T., Estrada, L., Dowling, A.V., Su, E., Leshchinskiy, M., Cavalcanti, A.R.O., Crane, E.J., Robins, C.R., and Meyer, W.M. III, 2018. Carbon and nitrogen in the topsoils of Inceptisols and Mollisols under native sage scrub and non-native grasslands in southern California. Geoderma Regional 14: e00172. link.
  • Robins, C.R., 2016. Soils, Science, Society, and the Environment. In: Oxford Research Encyclopedia, Encyclopedia of Agriculture and the Environment. Subject: Agriculture and the Environment. USA, Oxford University Press. 41 pages. link.
  • Wheeler, M.M., Dipman, M.M., Adams, T.A., Ruina, A.V., Robins, C.R., and Meyer, W.M. III, 2016. Carbon and nitrogen storage in California sage scrub and non-native grassland habitats. Journal of Arid Environments 129: 119-125. link.
  • Robins, C.R., Deurlington, A., Buck, B.J., and Brock-Hon, A.L. 2015. Micromorphology and formation of pedogenic ooids in calcic soils and petrocalcic horizons. Geoderma 251-251: 10-23. link.
  • Robins, C.R., Buck, B.J., and Williams, A.J., 2014. Establishing soil and surficial geologic habitat criteria for presumed gypsophiles - The example of Eriogonum corymbosum var. nilesii, Mojave Desert, U.S.A. Catena 118: 9-19. link.
  • Goossens, D., Buck, B.J, Teng, Y., Robins, C.R., and Goldstein, H., 2014. Effect of sulfate and carbonate minerals on particle size distributions in arid soils: Use of isopropanol for analysis. Soil Science Society of America Journal 78: 881-893. link.
  • Robins, C.R., Buck, B.J., Spell, T.L., Soukup, D., Steinberg, S., 2014. Testing the applicability of vacuum-encapsulated 40Ar/39Ar geochronology to pedogenic palygorskite and sepiolite. Quaternary Geochronology 20: 8-22. link.
  • Rogers, R.R., Krause, D.W., Kast, S.C., Marshall, M.S., Rahantarisoa, L., Robins, C.R., and Sertich, J.J.W., 2013. A new, richly fossiliferous member comprised of tidal deposits in the Upper Cretaceous Maevarano Formation, northwestern Madagascar. Cretaceous Research 44:12-29. link.
  • Robins, C.R., Brock-Hon, A.L., and Buck, B.J., 2012. Conceptual mineral genesis models for calcic pendants and petrocalcic horizons, NV. Soil Science Society of America Journal 76(5): 1887-1903. link.
  • Brock-Hon, A.L., Robins, C.R., and Buck, B.J., 2012. Micromorphological investigation of pedogenic barite in Mormon Mesa petrocalcic horizons, Nevada, USA: Implications for genesis. Geoderma 179-180: 1-8. link.
  • Robins, C.R., Buck, B.J., Williams, A.J., Morton, J.L., Howell, M.S., Yonovitz, M.L., and House, P.K., 2009. Comparison of flood hazard assessments on desert piedmonts and playas: A case study in Ivanpah Valley, Nevada. Geomorphology, 103 (4): 520-532. link.
  • Nicholl, M.J., Baron, A.G., Robins, C.R., Boxell, J., and Lin, Y. 2008. Using synthetic data and artificial wells to teach the construction and use of water level contour maps. Journal of Geoscience Education 56 (4): 317-323. link.

Some of the soil and surface processes influencing habitat criteria for Eriogonum corymbosum var. Nilesii (Las Vegas buckwheat).

Other Endeavors or Minor Contributions:

  • Contributing author in: Given, M., Knapp, A.B., Noller, J., Sollars, L., and Kassianidou, V., 2013. Landscape and Interaction; Troodos Survey Volume 1: Methodology, Analysis and Interpretation. Levant Supplementary Series 15. Oxford: Oxbow Books. (Archaeology; geomorphology; mapping)
  • Contributing author in: Given, M., Knapp, A.B., Noller, J., Sollars, L., and Kassianidou, V., 2013. Landscape & Interaction; Troodos Archaeological and Environmental Survey Project,Volume 2: The TAESP Landscape. Levant Supplementary Series 15. Oxford: Oxbow Books. (Archaeology; geomorphology; mapping)
  • Buck, B.J, Robins, C.R., and Williams, A.J., 2011. Final Project Report to Clark County Desert Conservation Program: Gypsum Soils Analysis Technical Conditions. 384 pages. (Soil-vegetation dynamics; desert ecology; geochemistry)
  • Buck, B.J., Brock, A.L., Robins, C., 2010, Genesis of Mormon Mesa Petrocalcic Horizons: Implications for Paleoclimate and Isotopic Dating Applications, IN: Buck, B.J., Merkler, D., and Thai, S., Editors, Research on Arid Soils in Southern Nevada: Dust Emissions, Petrocalcic Genesis, Petrogypsic Soils and Biological Soil Crusts, Fieldtrip Guidebook for Western Regional Cooperative Soil Survey Western Society of Soil Science/Western Society of Crop Science Joint Conference Las Vegas, Nevada June 21-24, 2010, p. 39-54. (Carbonate soils; calcic and petrocalcic horizons; mineralogy; geochronology; pedogenesis; geomorphology)
  • Williams, A., Robins, C., Buck, B.J., Monger, H.C., 2009. Common ground: Discovering a shared purpose in Inner Mongolia. Soil Survey Horizons, 49 (4): 96-97. (Soil Science; scientific collaborations; international science communications)

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