The European Space Agency's (ESA) JUICE spacecraft launched atop an Ariane 5 rocket from Europe's Spaceport in Kourou, French Guiana on Friday (April 14) at 8:14 a.m. EDT (1214 GMT), after a one-day delay caused by the threat of lightning at the launch site. Spacecraft separation occurred some 28 minutes after liftoff.

"The main goal is to understand whether there are habitable environments among those icy moons and around a giant planet like Jupiter," planetary scientist and JUICE team member Olivier Witasse said during a press conference on April 6.

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The first of these slingshot encounters will take place in August 2024 and involve both Earth and its moon, with flybys of the two bodies separated by just 1.5 days. JUICE will be the first spacecraft ever to perform such a "lunar-Earth gravity assist," and pulling it off will be a challenge.

After this final Earth encounter, the solar-powered probe will head toward Jupiter more directly, finally reaching the gas giant in July 2031. JUICE will then perform yet another flyby, this time of the huge Jovian moon Ganymede, to insert itself into orbit around Jupiter.

The data collection will intensify once JUICE reaches Jupiter. The probe will study the gas giant in depth and also eye Ganymede, Callisto and Europa. Observations of the three moons will be made up close, over the course of 35 flybys between 2031 and 2034.

JUICE will fly by Ganymede a dozen times. Then, in December 2034, the probe will enter orbit around the 3,270-mile-wide (5,262 kilometers) moon, which is larger than the planet Mercury and is the only satellite known to possess a magnetosphere. This move will mark the first time a spacecraft has ever orbited a planetary moon other than that of Earth.

JUICE will continue to study Ganymede until its fuel runs out. The probe's orbit around the big moon will then begin to decay, and it will eventually crash-land onto Ganymede's icy surface, bringing the epic JUICE mission to a close.

"We have really a lot to do to satisfy the goals of the scientific community, but if I had one objective to highlight, it is the need to know more about the liquid water underneath the surface of the icy moons," Witasse added in the April 6 briefing. "It's quite fascinating to think that, underneath these icy surfaces, there is a lot of liquid water. And that will be really the most interesting aspect of the mission."

JUICE won't make an in-depth study of Io, the fourth and innermost Galilean moon. Io is not an icy ocean world; rather, it's the most volcanic body in the solar system, thanks to the gravitational pull of Jupiter and the three other Galilean moons, which stretches Io's interior and generates lots of frictional heat.

For starters, Jupiter orbits the sun about five times farther away than Earth does. Sunlight way out there is diffuse, so JUICE's solar panels need to be huge and efficient: After deployment, the cross-shaped arrays will cover a total area of 915 square feet (85 square m) and convert a whopping 30% of solar energy into electricity. Still, at Jupiter, the arrays won't even produce enough juice to power a hair dryer, mission team members have said.

The radiation environment is less extreme around Ganymede than it is near Europa. That's part of the reason that the JUICE team chose to focus more of its efforts on the giant moon, even though Europa is a more intriguing astrobiological target. (And crash-landing into Europa at the end of the mission would have been more problematic, given the risk of contaminating a potentially life-hosting world with microbes from Earth.)

But JUICE won't be the next spacecraft to reach the gas giant, if all goes according to plan. That distinction will belong to NASA's Europa Clipper mission, which is scheduled to launch atop a SpaceX Falcon Heavy rocket in October 2024 and arrive at Jupiter in April 2030.

Clipper will remain in orbit around the gas giant, studying Europa during dozens of close flybys. These observations will reveal the thickness of the moon's ice shell and shed light on the subsurface ocean's life-hosting potential, NASA officials have said.

The JUICE mission has been launched by an Ariane 5 launcher on April 14, 2023 and is now on its way to reach Jupiter and its icy moons in 2031. The focus of JUICE is to characterise the conditions that may have led to the emergence of habitable environments among the Jovian icy satellites, with special emphasis on the internally active ocean-bearing worlds, Ganymede and Europa. Following a Jupiter Touring phase of 4 years, JUICE will become the first orbiter of a moon that is not our own, entering Ganymede orbit in 2034.

JUICE magnetometer (J-MAG) measurements (such as those made by the magnetometers on the Galileo and Cassini spacecraft) enable an understanding to be gained of the interior structure of the icy moons of Jupiter, specifically those of Ganymede, Callisto and Europa. Of particular interest are knowledge of the depth at which the liquid oceans reside beneath their icy surfaces, the strength of any internal magnetic fields such as at Ganymede and the strength of any induced magnetic fields arising within these oceans.

Vance, S. D., Styczinski, M. J., Bills, B. G., Cochrane, C. J., Soderlund, K. M., Gomez-Perez, N., & Paty, C. (2021). Magnetic induction responses of Jupiter's ocean moons including effects from adiabatic convection. J. Geophys. Res. : Planets, 126, e2020JE006418.

The rocky Jovian moon, Io, exhibits global volcanism that is driven by heat dissipated by tidal deformation. The large rate of heat exported by this volcanism, in conjunction with evidence in the form of magnetic induction, suggests that the mantle may contain a significant fraction of partial melt. This melt may be present in regions where both solid and liquid coexist at the macroscale. Nevertheless, existing models to investigate the location and magnitude of tidal heating consider an internal structure consisting of layers of pure solid or liquid. Such models are not appropriate for tidal deformation of partially molten materials. Building upon recent advancements in the theory of gravitational poroviscoelastic dynamics, we model tidal heating within Io, taking into account the effect of a two-phase, partially molten asthenosphere.

The Surface Dust Analyser (SUDA) is a dust impact mass spectrometer onboard of the Europa Clipper mission for investigating the surface composition of the Galilean moon Europa. The instrument is a Time--Of--Flight (TOF) impact mass spectrometer derived from previously flown dust compositional analyzers on Giotto, Stardust, and Cassini. SUDA uses the technology of the successful Cosmic Dust Analyzer (CDA) operating on Cassini and employs advanced reflectron-type ion optics for increased mass resolution. The instrument will measure the mass, speed, charge, elemental and isotopic composition of impacting grains.

Atmosphereless planetary moons such as the Galilean satellites are wrapped into a ballistic dust exosphere populated by tiny samples from the moon's surface produced by impacts of fast micrometeoroids. SUDA will measure the composition of such surface ejecta during close flybys at Europa to obtain key chemical constraints for revealing the satellite's composition, history, and geological evolution. Because of their ballistic orbits, detected ejecta can be traced back to the surface with a spatial resolution roughly equal to the instantaneous altitude of the spacecraft.

In the 2030s, both ESA's Jupiter Icy Moons Explorer (JUICE) and NASA's Europa Clipper mission are set to explore Jupiter's icy moons from up close, using high-resolution mass spectrometers to sample their atmospheres. The Neutral gas and Ion Mass spectrometer (NIM) of the Particle Environment Package (PEP) onboard JUICE [3] and the MAss Spectrometer for Planetary EXploration (MASPEX) onboard Europa Clipper [4] will determine the atmospheric composition of the moons and potentially sample plume material on Europa. The collisional fraction of their atmospheres affects the abundances of the various species that will be measured, and hence also the deduction of the underlying surface composition. Therefore, obtaining a comprehensive understanding of atmospheric structures, including the collisional fraction, is imperative for both missions. This knowledge is essential to ensure the correct interpretation of the measured data once it becomes available.

The DSMC method is a computation technique, where rarefied gas flows are simulated by tracking the motion of individual particles, including their collisions and interactions, to provide insight into the macroscopic gas dynamics. Therefore, this method is ideal for studying thin atmospheres that transition from being collisional near the surface to ballistic at higher altitudes, such as the atmospheres of the icy Galilean moons. The model [5, 6] used herein includes different physical and chemical processes that create the atmospheres of the icy moons, such as sputtering due to interactions with Jupiter's magnetosphere, the sublimation of surface ice, and photochemical reactions.

In this context, we aim to model the evolution of a 2-dimensional circumplanetary disk around Jupiter. To do this, we have constructed a quasi-stationary circumplanetary disk model that considers viscous heating, accretion heating, and heating of the upper layers of the circumplanetary disk by Jupiter. The thermal structure is determined by a grey atmosphere radiative transfer model. We show that the heating by Jupiter of the upper layers of the disk induces flaring and disk self-shadowing effects, which locally increase and decrease the disk temperature, respectively. The resulting temperature variations can be up to 50 K relative to the surrounding disk temperature. Consequently, the circumplanetary disk can produce transient hotter and colder regions that can last up to 10 kyr. The alternance of hot and cold regions in the Jovian circumplanetary disk has then profound implications for the formation conditions of the Galilean moons. 0852c4b9a8

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