Math for All

Math for All in New Orleans is a conference aimed at bringing together the mathematicians in and around New Orleans, focusing on those from underrepresented minorities.  The conference has talks on both math education and research.  I helped found and organize this conference.  Since then, we have founded satellite conferences across the US; I currently organize the satellite conference at Boston College.


USTARS is a conference dedicated to furthering the success of underrepresented students, and broaden the participation in the mathematical sciences by cultivating research and mentoring networks.  I am currently on the organizing committe.

Girls Who Code

I have worked with Girls who Code for 4 years.  GWC is a non-profit aimed at increasing equity in the STEM fields by teaching computer coding to high school women in partnership with tech companies and universities.  Here is a link to a bio I did with GWC.


GiST (Girls in STEM at Tulane) and BATS (Boys at Tulane in STEM) are one day workshops for elementary school students in the New Orleans area held at Tulane.  I have worked as workshop leaders for both, creating one hour math workshops aimed at getting students engaged in mathematics.

Boston College Math Teaching Seminar

I help organize the Boston College Math Teaching seminar, held on alternate Tuesdays.  The goal of this seminar is to provide mathematicians at BC a space to discuss teaching and teaching related topics.

Teaching Workshop, Boston College

I helped to organize a Teaching workshop at Boston College, held in July 2021.  The goal is to help instructors prepare their classes for the fall, and learn about different methods/techniques to use in the classroom.