Accepted Papers

Papers listed here do not constitute a proceedings for this workshop.

  • (Poster 1) Bayesian data selection [paper]

Eli N Weinstein and Jeffrey Miller

  • (Poster 2) Uncertainty estimation under model misspecification in neural network regression [paper]

Maria R. Cervera, Rafael Dätwyler, Francesco D'Angelo, Hamza Keurti, Benjamin F. Grewe, and Christian Henning

  • (Poster 3) Fast approximate BayesBag model selection via Taylor expansions [paper]

Neil A Spencer and Jeffrey Miller

  • (Poster 4) Diversity and generalization in neural network ensembles [paper]

Luis Antonio Ortega, Andrés Masegosa, and Rafael Cabañas

  • (Poster 5) A shared parameter model accounting for drop-out not at random in a predictive model for systolic bloodpressure using the HUNT study [paper]

Aurora C Hofman, Ingelin Steinsland, and Emma M. L. Ingeström

  • (Poster 6) Influential observations in Bayesian regression tree models [paper]

Matthew Pratola Ed George, and Rob McCulloch

  • (Poster 7) Invariant priors for Bayesian quadrature [paper]

Masha Naslidnyk, Javier Gonzalez, and Maren Mahsereci

  • (Poster 8) Composite goodness-of-fit tests with kernels [paper]

Oscar Key, Tamara Fernandez, Arthur Gretton, and Francois-Xavier Briol

  • (Poster 9) Inferior clusterings in misspecified Gaussian mixture models [paper]

Siva Rajesh Kasa and Vaibhav Rajan

  • (Poster 10) Blindness of score-based methods to isolated components and mixing proportions [paper]

Li K Wenliang and Heishiro Kanagawa

  • (Poster 11) Bounding Wasserstein distance with couplings [paper]

Niloy Biswas and Lester Mackey

  • (Poster 12) Relaxing the I.I.D. assumption: Adaptively minimax optimal regret via root-entropic regularization [paper]

Blair Bilodeau, Jeffrey Negrea, and Daniel M. Roy

  • (Poster 13) Measuring the sensitivity of Gaussian processes to kernel choice [paper]

William T Stephenson, Soumya Ghosh, Tin D Nguyen, Mikhail Yurochkin, Sameer Deshpande, and Tamara Broderick

  • (Poster 14) Robust Bayesian inference for simulator-based models via the MMD posterior bootstrap [paper]

Charita Dellaporta, Jeremias Knoblauch, Theodoros Damoulas, and Francois-Xavier Briol

  • (Poster 15) Your bandit model is not perfect: Introducing robustness to restless bandits enabled by deep reinforcement learning [paper]

Jackson Killian, Lily Xu, Arpita Biswas, and Milind Tambe

  • (Poster 16) Bayesian calibration of imperfect computer models using physics-informed priors [paper]

Michail Spitieris and Ingelin Steinsland

  • (Poster 17) Forcing a model to be correct for classification [paper]

Jiae Kim and Steven MacEachern

  • (Poster 18) Make cross-validation Bayes again [paper]

Yuling Yao and Aki Vehtari

  • (Poster 19) Evaluating Bayesian hierarchical models for sc-RNA seq data [paper]

Sijia Li, Martín López-García, and Luisa Cutillo

  • (Poster 20) On robustness of counterfactuals in structural models [paper]

Yaroslav Mukhin

  • (Poster 21) Robust generalised Bayesian inference for intractable likelihoods [paper]

Takuo Matsubara, Jeremias Knoblauch, Francois-Xavier Briol, and Chris Oates

  • (Poster 22) Boosting heterogeneous VAEs via multi-objective optimization [paper]

Adrian Javaloy, Maryam Meghdadi, and Isabel Valera

  • (Poster 23) PAC^m-Bayes: Narrowing the empirical risk gap in the misspecified Bayesian regime [paper]

Warren R Morningstar, Alex Alemi, and Joshua V Dillon