Could you clarify, do you mean that the Roboto variable font settings exist when you open the project file from one team, but those settings are not there when you open the project file of another team?

Yes! I created a brand new team where I tried to use the Roboto file downloaded from Google as a managed font and I have some file where I can set the axes

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Roboto Variable Font Download

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Even I try font-weight: 100 or 300, neither "lighter", thickness of the font changing only when I put "600".No other declarations of fonts down below, so file is simple as it is, only one declaration body { font-family: Roboto, monospace; }.That's it.

I'd like to use the variable font Roboto Flex for animating various opentype parameters in realtime via css. This means i'd like to get the "full package" with all axis and stuff in one single font file. I'm talking specifically about the font provided by google here

Using various google web font downloaders seem to only provide the very basic file (400 weight, normal width, no opentype features), so that's not what i need. The github project for Roboto Flex has no .woff or .woff2 either.

Embedding the font via googles or @import method might work, but it seems to be very complicated to get the "full" set too. To add something to the "use on the web" sidebar, i have to select specific variations and it looks like that's what i'd get if i proceed, not the full package. I might get to some result there with tweaking the urls.

Variable fonts are popular for two reasons: they expand design possibilities and improve website performance. While the former statement is definitely true since variable fonts do provide infinite typographical choices, the latter only holds under certain conditions.

The design axes are always chosen by the creator of the font, and they differ from variable font to variable font. However, there are five registered axes that are standardized by the OpenType Font Variation specification: weight (wght), width (wdth), italic (ital), slant (slnt), and optical size (opsz). Besides these, font creators can register any custom axis that users can access with the font-variation-settings CSS property.

In general, variable fonts improve performance because you only have to use one font file. Static fonts require a different file for each variation you want to use on the site, while variable fonts are dynamic in nature. In other words, they include all possibilities in a single file, which means only one HTTP request instead of multiple. In addition, you only have to use one @font-face rule, which results in a smaller CSS file.

In variable font terms, it has 12 static font variations along two design axes: weight (wght) and italics (ital). On the other hand, the Roboto Variable Font includes three design axes: weight (wght), width (wdth), and slant (slnt).

The ital axis has a binary value (either 0 or 1). It can be accessed with either the high-level font-style or the low-level font-variation-settings property. If both properties are available/supported, you should always use the high-level one, which is font-style here.

Both the page load time (0.7s) and the number of HTTP requests (15) are the same as in the previous case. However, the total page size is 1KB smaller, which must be the result of the reduced number of @font-face rules (12 instead of 84).

Judging by these test results, using a variable font is a good choice when you want to load all 12 variations of the static version of Roboto. Although the total font size and page size are much bigger, the significant decrease of HTTP requests (four compared to 15) still results in a better page load time.

As expected, the number of HTTP requests shrank from 15 to seven since we loaded four font files instead of 12. Obviously, the total page size is also much smaller than in the first test case (66.3KB versus 197).

The first contentful paint was 1.6s, which is the same result as in the first test case and worse than both the second (1.2s) and third (0.8s). This is most likely because the fonts were downloaded from a CDN instead of locally, rather than using a static font instead of a variable one or the number of HTTP requests.

In this article, we will look at what variable fonts are, the benefits theyoffer, and how we can use them in our work. First, let's review how typographyworks on the web, and what innovations variable fonts bring.

The terms font and typeface are often used interchangeably by developers.However there is a difference: A typeface is the underlying visual design thatcan exist in many different typesetting technologies, and a font is one of theseimplementations, in a digital file format. In other words, a typeface is whatyou see, and the font is what you use.

Web designers and developers have different constraints than print designers,and an important one is the associated bandwidth costs of our designs. Thishas been a sticking point for richer typographic experiences, as they come ata cost. With traditional web fonts, each style used in our designs requiresusers to download a separate font file, which increases latency and pagerendering time. Only including the Regular and Bold styles, plus their italiccounterparts, can amount to 500 KB or more of font data. This is even beforewe have dealt with how the fonts are rendered, the fallback patterns we needto use, or undesirable side-effects such as FOIT andFOUT.

Many font families offer a much wider range of styles, from Thin to Blackweights, narrow and wide widths, a variety of stylistic details, and evensize-specific designs (optimized for large or small text sizes.) Since you'dhave to load a new font file for every style (or combinations of styles), manyweb developers choose not to use these capabilities, reducing the readingexperience of their users.

The variable font Roboto Flexhas three styles for its Weight axis. The Regular style is at the center,and there are two styles at the opposite ends of the axis, one lighter andthe other heavier. Between these, you can choose from 900 instances:

The font developer can offer a set of different axes. You can combine thembecause they all share the same default styles. Roboto has three styles in aWidth axis: the Regular is at the center of the axis, and two styles, narrowerand wider, are at each end. These provide all the widths of the Regular style,and combine with the Weight axis to provide all the widths for every weight.

The way that Italics are handled in variable fonts is interesting, as there aretwo difference approaches. Typefaces like Helvetica or Roboto have interpolationcompatible contours, so their Roman and Italic styles can be interpolatedbetween and the Slant axis can be used to get from Roman to Italic.

A glyph substitution capability can also be seen for individual glyphs, and usedanywhere in the design space of a variable font. For example, a dollar signdesign with two vertical bars works best at larger point sizes, but at smallerpoint sizes a design with only one bar is better. When we have fewer pixels forrendering the glyph, a two bar design can become illegible. To combat this, muchlike the Italic axis, a glyph substitution of one glyph for another can occuralong the Optical Size axis at a point decided by the type designer.

In summary, where the contours allow for it, type designers can create fontsthat interpolate between various styles in a multi-dimensional design space.This gives you granular control over your typography, and a great deal of power.

There are five registeredaxes,which control known, predictable features of the font: weight, width, opticalsize, slant and italics. Besides those, a font can contain custom axes. Thesecan control any design aspect of the font the type designer wishes: the size ofserifs, the length of swashes, the height of ascenders or the size of the dot onthe i.

Since the font developer defines which axes are available in a variable font,and which values they can have, it is essential to find out what each fontoffers. The font's documentation should provide this, or you can inspect thefont using a tool like Wakamai Fondue.

1. Source Formats: We don't want the browser to download the font if itdoesn't support variable fonts, so we add format and tech descriptions: once in thefuturesyntax(format('woff2') tech('variations')), once in the deprecated but supported among browserssyntax (format('woff2-variations')). If the browser supports variable fonts and supportsthe upcoming syntax, it will use the first declaration. If it supports variablefonts and the current syntax, it will use the second declaration. They bothpoint to the same font file.

2. Style Ranges: You'll notice we're supplying two values for font-weightand font-stretch. Instead of telling the browser which specific weight thisfont provides (for example font-weight: 500;), we now give it the range ofweights supported by the font. For Roboto Flex, the Weight axis ranges from 100to 1000, and CSS directly maps the axis range to the font-weight styleproperty. By specifying the range in @font-face, any value outside this rangewill be "capped" to the nearest valid value. The Width axis range is mapped inthe same way to the font-stretch property.

If you're using the Google Fonts API, this will all be taken care of. Not onlywill the CSS contain the proper source formats and ranges, Google Fonts willalso send static fallback fonts in case variable fonts aren't supported.

Traditionally, you would set font-weight as a keyword (light, bold) or asa numerical value between 100 and 900, in steps of 100. With variable fonts, youcan set any value within the font's Width range:

The ital axis is intended for fonts that contain both a regular style, and anitalic style. The axis is meant to be an on/off switch: value 0 is off andwill show the regular style, value 1 will show the italics. Unlike other axes,there's no transition. A value of 0.5 won't give you "half italics". ff782bc1db

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