OpenDR is a European research project developing a toolkit for core robotic functionalities based on deep learning. Cyberbotics provides its simulation expertize and demonstrates the deep learning toolkit capabilities on the web.

A robotics simulator is a simulator used to create an application for a physical robot without depending on the physical machine, thus saving cost and time. In some case, such applications can be transferred onto a physical robot (or rebuilt) without modification.

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The term robotics simulator can refer to several different robotics simulation applications. For example, in mobile robotics applications, behavior-based robotics simulators allow users to create simple worlds of rigid objects and light sources and to program robots to interact with these worlds. Behavior-based simulation allows for actions that are more biotic in nature when compared to simulators that are more binary, or computational. Also, behavior-based simulators may learn from mistakes and can demonstrate the anthropomorphic quality of tenacity.

One of the most popular applications for robotics simulators is for 3D modeling and rendering of a robot and its environment. This type of robotics software has a simulator that is a virtual robot, which can emulate the motion of a physical robot in a real work envelope. Some robotics simulators use a physics engine for more realistic motion generation of the robot. The use of a robotics simulator to develop a robotics control program is highly recommended regardless of whether a physical robot is available or not. The simulator allows for robotics programs to be conveniently written and debugged off-line with the final version of the program tested on a physical robot. This applies mainly to industrial robotic applications, since the success of off-line programming depends on how similar the physical environment of a robot is to a simulated environment.

Among the newest technologies available today for programming are those which use a virtual simulation. Simulations with the use of virtual models of the working environment and the robots themselves can offer advantages to both the company and programmer. By using a simulation, costs are reduced, and robots can be programmed off-line which eliminates any down-time for an assembly line. Robot actions and assembly parts can be visualized in a three-dimensional virtual environment months before prototypes are even produced. Writing code for a simulation is also easier than writing code for a physical robot. While the move toward virtual simulations for programming robots is a step forward in user interface design, many such applications are only in their infancy.

Simulate and validate robotics processes today. Learn how to model and simulate automated workcells and lines, how to define and validate complete robot programs, and how to use a virtual PLC and HMI to validate control logic and operator interfaces.

As robotics makes more use of deep learning, simulators that can deal with data on the fly become necessary, and also a potential solution for simulation problems regarding points of contact or collisions. Rather than utilize multiple simulation methods to make a clearer abstraction of the real world in these boundary situations, the answer may be to insert neural networks trained to replicate the properties of difficult phenomena into the simulator. There is further discussion on differentiable simulation, levels of abstraction and the expansion of libraries, plug-ins, toolsets, benchmarking and algorithmic integration, all increasing both the utility and complexity of simulation for robotics.

Gazebo is a free, open-source robot simulator. Run by Open Robotics, this powerhouse tool is managed separately from ROS but does integrate with it quite well. It empowers developers to transition fluidly between real-world and virtual testing, enabling them to validate algorithms and systems rigorously before deployment.

RoboDK stands as a great example of precision paired with ease of use. Its intuitive interface enables users to effortlessly generate complex robotic simulations, even without a comprehensive programming background. Supporting an extensive library of robots and peripherals, RoboDK is a go-to solution for both novices and experts, offering seamless integration with popular robot controllers and a powerful offline programming feature.

Webots offers excellent versatility and a rich repository of pre-built robot models. This simulation software provides an array of sensors, actuators, and controllers, facilitating the precise emulation of intricate interactions and behaviors. Its multi-language support and user-friendly interface make it accessible to all levels of users, making it an ideal choice for those seeking a potent yet intuitive robotics simulation tool.

Unity's prowess extends beyond game development; it's a robust simulation platform for robotics enthusiasts also. In 2019, we worked with Unity to build our own robot simulator to aid in our development and testing. With its well-established game engine foundation, Unity offers stunning visual fidelity and physics simulation for robots and environments. Its scripting capabilities enable users to create custom simulations and integrate them seamlessly with real-world hardware, bridging the gap between virtual experimentation and practical implementation.

In the age of cloud computing, AWS RoboMaker emerged as a game-changer. This cloud-powered simulation platform provides scalable resources for simulating, testing, and deploying robotic applications. With integration into the broader AWS ecosystem, RoboMaker offers unmatched flexibility, enabling developers to simulate various scenarios efficiently and deploy their applications seamlessly to physical robots.

The robotics simulator CoppeliaSim (formerly V-REP), with integrated development environment, is based on a distributed control architecture: each object/model can be individually controlled via an embedded script, a plugin, a ROS node, a remote API client, or a custom solution. This makes CoppeliaSim very versatile and ideal for multi-robot applications. Controllers can be written in C/C++, Python, Java, Lua, Matlab or Octave.

CoppeliaSim is used for fast algorithm development, factory automation simulations, fast prototyping and verification, robotics related education, remote monitoring, safety double-checking, as digital twin, and much more.

The ETH Zrich, in collaboration with Coppelia Robotics, gives a Massive Open Online Course about autonomous mobile robots, hosted on edX. The course is based on Matlab/Octave and the V-REP simulator, and can be accessed here.

Isaac Sim is available on Omniverse Cloud and from leading cloud services, so you always have access to powerful simulation tools that can scale up rapidly. This will help you with most compute-intensive simulation tasks like CI/CD and synthetic data generation.

Importing assets into robotics simulators is critically important and often a significant challenge when setting up a training or testing scenario. Using the powerful connector capabilities built into Omniverse, Isaac Sim has built-in support for popular product design formats. The advanced URDF importer has been tested on multiple robot models. Additionally, CAD files can be imported directly from Onshape and from STEP files with minimal post-processing. 

 To make it easier to add assets to different environments, Isaac Sim supports the Shapenet importer, which provides access to a massive amount of 3D assets.

Firstly, an introduction. I'm trying to simulate a pick and place robot that grabs a box from a table, moves to another location, and puts the box down. I've managed to get the grabbing done with position controllers but now I face some issues which I have been unable to solve.

Problem 1: The box vibrates up and down whenever it is in contact with the robot. This happened ever since I changed the max step size from the default value of 0.001 to 0.005. So my previous settings were :

But I had to lower the max frequency update rate as my room (it has a lot of boxes) was getting too complicated and I couldn't get the simulation to run in real time, hence I decreased the max update rate but had to up the max step size as a result. So my settings are now as such :

But ever since I did this, although I achieved real time factor of 1, the box started to vibrate violently whenever its on the table or sitting on the robot. Eventually, it just veers off and falls off the table/robot entirely. I think this has something to do with the ERP parameter since its physics related and I changed the physics parameters when I modified the step size. But no matter what value I put for the ERP the box still keeps vibrating.

Problem 2: Box cannot keep up with the robot's rotationOk so I understand that this may be hard to visualize so picture it like this. Imagine I have a flat plate with a box on top. I rotate the flat plate and the box should rotate right ? If I move the plate forwards, the box should also move forward with the plate right ? But no, the box can't seem to stay in contact with the plate. It just slips off. I tried varying the friction between the box and the plate, setting them to extremely high values as well as lowering the rotational and linear speed of the plate, but the box still "slips".

Problem 3: Robot sways back and forth when grabbing box.So for this one the problem is that when the robot extends its arm to grab the box, it gets pushed backward a little. I suspect this has something to do with Newton's Law that for a force applied in any direction an opposite force will be applied in the opposite direction. So when the robot extends its arms to pick the box up, it gets pushed backwards a little. And when it brings the box back to its body, it moves forward a little. I tried increasing the friction between ... (more) 17dc91bb1f

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