This show was on many years ago, I remember watching it as a kid, so maybe 30 or 32 years ago. Scared the crap out of me at the time, but all I can remember now is that the evil bad guy was playing a game of table tennis in "sped-up motion" and there was a yellow small round car. Smaller than a VW beetle, and rounder, if that is possible. What the hell was that show? Any ideas?

I am trying to find an older black-and-white tv segment, about a business man being replaced by a robot. It focuses on his office, and the sign on his door, where in several scenes he goes from like personnel assistant, through personnel manager, through vice president, by continuing to fire more and more workers. At the end, he comes to his office, and his sign is missing, and he has been replaced by a robot.

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It was something I saw in the 90s, a kid's show, but live action. A teen boy (in a blue shirt) and his teen female friend (in a red shirt) end up traveling across dimensions/alien worlds in a ship they call the egg. The girl knew martial arts, and the boy could "glitch" which means changing his arms or legs into different things. There were at least two alien creatures that traveled with them, one of them was a small blue furry guy with ice powers. The other alien was a bit bigger than the humans, and while I can visualize him, he's hard to describe. Dark, almost rocky or scaly type skin.

They were partially looking for someone that the aliens called the "Stranger" who was actually the teen boy's long lost father, who dimension traveled before. The Stranger had served a princess in another dimension, too.

The only other things I can remember, and this is somewhat vague, is that the princess had been overthrown by the antagonist of the series, and the Stranger had disappeared. A lot of the locations seemed dark, with cloudy skies. Kinda dystopian locations.

It was about an evil little boy who was about 5. His family lived in a house in a forest/woods... we think it was winter because most of the trees had no leaves and it was very dull looking. The family moved into this house at the start of the movie.

My dad thinks he was originally a twin and his twin brother/sister was stillborn. Some of us also remember a baby sister that he torments (I think he might have set her on fire at some point? We definitely remember him pushing her off the swings and the mum witnessing this from the kitchen window). We also think he had a dog that he tortured and/or killed.

The main thing we remember is the little boy used to say "play with me mummy"... he'd be left outside all day bored (we think after the new baby was born) and when she wouldn't play with him, he would do evil things.

I have been haunted by this for many days now. It's a tv mini series that was aired in the late 90s/early 2000s. Its genre is scifi. Basically, it's about people from a kingdom who have to find a new crystal for their protection/power source (can't exactly remember) So they set out on a quest to find these crystals, but there are people who want to make sure that they fail. The main bad guy has an enchanted bow that shoots arrows that never miss. I vaguely remember them either swimming of driving a submarine type device into an underwater cave that is glowing, perhaps guarded my some sort of fierce creature, but when they enter the cave they find all the crystals they could ever need. I thought about this right before I want to sleep nearly 3 weeks ago and It is killing me. I. must. know!

Trying to find some info on a cartoon i watched when i was kid, probably mid 90's. I'm sure it was called Moonstone or The Moonstone but i can't find any info on it anywhere. I remember there being a castle and a rainbow and a wizard and there was a moonstone they kept in the castle and the baddies kept trying to steal it for some reason or another.

I'm pretty sure it was British. It was a kids show about a boy and his pet parrot. The boy used to skateboard a lot and the parrot could talk to him in perfect English. Kinda similar to The Real Maccaw.

Btw I hope you dont mind me asking you...but there was this other TV show that I've been trying to find out. It was a 90's/early 00's game show where you would have to match eyes with faces of celebrities. And if I remember correctly, there was a giant nose through which green slime would come out.

None of those ring a bell. Think you might be close with A*mazing, though I seem to remember A*mazing people a much better show (didn't that have a cool maze at the end where the kids had to find keys?).

Spent hours yesterday searching google and youtube but all the obvious search terms were useless. The only way I'll ever find the clip is if someone recognizes it from the vague description above.

Any help much appreciated.

A kid get's a watch or clock of some sort I think and when he wakes up the next day everyone is gone, everywhere. He eventually finds out that he is trapped in a different time period half an hour/hour behind everyone else which is why no one is around.

I watched the show in the 90's, but I'm not entirely sure when it was made. It was a kids show, where 2 guys(?), find a spherical red(?) spaceship that has the ability to stop time. I remember one scene that involved an impending accident with a ladder, which they used the time stop function to avoid this accident. The ship had other functions, but I can't remember what they were.

this was ina nswer to this:I have been haunted by this for many days now. It's a tv mini series that was aired in the late 90s/early 2000s. Its genre is scifi. Basically, it's about people from a kingdom who have to find a new crystal for their protection/power source (can't exactly remember) So they set out on a quest to find these crystals, but there are people who want to make sure that they fail. The main bad guy has an enchanted bow that shoots arrows that never miss. I vaguely remember them either swimming of driving a submarine type device into an underwater cave that is glowing, perhaps guarded my some sort of fierce creature, but when they enter the cave they find all the crystals they could ever need. I thought about this right before I want to sleep nearly 3 weeks ago and It is killing me. I. must. know!

does anyone remember one of the first reality home improvement shows where there were a whole heap of couples renovating a house and they stayed in caravans on the property. It was in Queensland. I really enjoyed it, lots of bitching etc. but can't remember the name.

The show couldn't have been any more than a minute long. I am wracking my brain and going nuts trying to remember the name of it! I've already Googled it and searched the ABC website but keep coming up empty. There is a VERY long list of ex shows on the ABC on Wiki, but would prefer not to have print that list and go through it one by one! Who knew Alien's were so popular!

Ok this has been on my mind for a few years now, as far as I can recall the show was on in the 90's early 2000's, I think on couch potato channel ten. The show revolved around a group of teenagers that were IT geniuses doing game design, They had designed a artificial intelligence friend that was portrayed as a green head on the computer monitors he was very loud and funny and bounced around the screens a lot.

I cant for the life of me remember the shows name.

It might have been on ABC

What was the name of the tv show, from the 80's that had a house in it that talked? They lights would flash when the house talked and I think the house was named Beryl. It was an Australian sitcom and probably didn't run for very long.

The series may have been shot in Sydney or Melbourne and the title may have a resemblance to "Kane & Able"...though no connection to the Jeffrey Archer based TV show of a similar name starring Sam Neil.

I remember when i was a young lad around 10-13 years ago i used to watch this tv show of somesort where they had women going topless and showing their rack and stuff and i kid you not it was on australian telly i am curious on what its called i think it was on channel 7, but yeah the women in public but my god the chesticles were marvelous might be a european show or something.

the pilot was basically about the teenage life of the kid of a famous hollywood actor... I think the kid was a daughter... I remember at some point the actor is being interviewed at home, maybe towards the end...

the show had an unusual point of view looking at the child of famous person and how they coped with their life... It was 'cool' and seemed to have a good script, not cheesy not directly aimed at teenagers.

My wife is trying to find the name of a show she saw a couple of years ago on channel 7. It is american about a group of doctors living in a house together. One of the characters was Indian with frizzy hair and was looking for a husband.

Okay I don't know if this was from a film or TV show but it's driving me mad, I have a feeling it was from something like the onion movie. I've been googling for ages now and it's getting on my nerves!

i remember this old cartoon on abc it was about a sailing ship to going to china i think

something about they had to get a special water or something that was touched by the sun thats the only thing i remember about it. any help

I can only remember one scene of the movie or tv show I'm thinking of. It was towards the end of it, and I'm fairly sure it was some kind of a detective show. I also think it is likely that it was some kind of masterpiece mystery thing from pbs or bbc, because my parents watched a lot of those when I was young and that's who I was watching it with. It shows a young woman, with short ish blonde hair, dressed in white, up in a tower, I think it's light house. she is tied to a chair, and she is about to be strangled with a belt or rope by a man standing behind her. she's crying. the man starts strangling her, and she gets very white. people are racing up the spiral staircase to save her, which they do. I seem to remember that the reason he's strangling her has something to do with a legend about strangling virgins at midnight every so many years. it also may be that the strangler and the girl he's strangling have some kind of family history between their two separate families that causes or feeds this legend, like maybe the man is punishing the girls family for some past wrong. I want to say it was set in some older time, like the 20's or 40's, and I think it may have been in England. the movie or show was made no earlier than the 80s or 90s, and I'd go with later too because the quality and color of the film suggested modern camera techniques. if anyone knows what tv show or movie this is, please reply! thanks 152ee80cbc

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