
Important Dates

Call for contributions

We invite contributions for poster presentations of early ideas, experimental results and open research questions. In addition to the interactive poster presentations, each selected poster will have a 3-minute spotlight talk in the workshop.

We encourage researchers to submit 1-2 page extended abstracts (excluding references) or a preprint of relevant work. Accepted abstracts will be posted on the workshop website and will not appear in the official IEEE proceedings. The reviewing process is single-blind and will be carried out by the workshop organizers. 

We will organize a poster session for the submitted papers to ease interaction and discussion between participants. A prize (300 Euro) will be awarded to the best contribution. We will use a rigorous selection process for workshop papers. By requiring all workshop papers to undergo a peer-review process to ensure that they meet the high standards of the workshop. 

Please submit your extended abstract via

Topics of Interest

A list of topics are included as follows but not limited to:

A list of topics are included as follows but not limited to: