April 14, 2024, San Diego, CA, USA

Embodied Exploration Through Muscular Hydrostats

Half-Day Workshop

 Workshop Abstract

In the fast-evolving landscape of soft robots, smart adaptation in complex environments is a key feature to explore for building robots which can operate with efficiency and resilience. Biology may hold the answer in the quest to translate nature’s solutions into tangible robot architectures. Muscular hydrostats exhibit an inherent capability to navigate with dexterity, while picking up on external cues to improve their functional behavior. Is it possible to complete the challenge of fully translating and embodying muscular hydrostatic capabilities into robotic and digital twins? What kind of interdisciplinary approaches should be adopted to better create robots which possess the unique capabilities of muscular hydrostats - namely flexibility, adaptability, and efficient locomotion? We propose that a wide and varied set of intellectual inputs, from neuroscience to animal physiology to computational science, among others, is the way forward in designing soft robots which can foster impactful multiscale applications. Unravelling the biomechanics and neuronal workings of muscular hydrostats can provide insights into overcoming functionality and control challenges and equip us with foundational knowledge to enhance the robots’ mechanistic capabilities. In this workshop, we aim to facilitate an interdisciplinary dialogue to synthesize new avenues for designing soft robots for exploration.

 Workshop Description

Muscular hydrostats are biological structures lacking typical systems of skeletal support. A muscular hydrostat consists mainly of muscle tissues with smart arrangement, which enable it to perform various movements like bending, shortening, elongation, reaching and stiffness tuning while keeping constant volume during muscle contractions. Examples of muscular hydrostats include elephant trunks, octopus’ arms, cephalopod tentacles, reptile and mammal tongues. The underlying principles of muscular hydrostats make it an excellent model for integrating embodied intelligence into soft robotics. In muscular hydrostats, the arrangement and activation of muscle fibers provide insights for designing soft robots with high dexterity, strength, isovolumetric characteristics, and rapid responding to complex tasks and environments. Due to the compliance, such robots are less likely damaged from external environment and thus can be then applied in various fields such as the exploration, search and rescue, medicine, and more. Moreover, the muscular hydrostats offer a valuable blueprint for accurate modeling and control of the soft robotics which have infinite degrees of freedom in general configurations.

In this workshop, some significant issues focusing on the muscular hydrostats will be discussed. Topics of interest include the biological study of muscle arrangement in both marine and terrestrial animals and the muscular activation method in the octopus. These will open to new models of muscle biomechanics that can benefit the design of soft robotics. Mathematical models describing muscle activation and immersed boundary conditions will also be discussed. Special attention will be given to any advanced computational method emphasizing the comparisons to real-world creatures. In the context of robotics, the broad objective includes the applications of muscular hydrostats principles in the materials, design of robotics mechanism, modeling, and control, development of integrated prototypes and experimental validation with immersed boundary conditions.

Through this workshop, we aim to ask pressing and pertinent questions about the embodied intelligence which the animals so effortlessly exhibit and explore how this can be translated to more fruitful soft robotics applications. Then this workshop will provide a platform for presenting the latest computational and experimental design and modelling efforts which incorporate the underlying biology and physics of muscular hydrostats, with a first principles approach that fully accounts for the muscle activations and biomechanics of muscular hydrostats. At the same time soft robotic approaches to develop the continuum soft bodies will be discussed. The involvement of experts across domains will foster an interaction which can fuel a multi-pronged effort of modelling the embodied intelligence muscular hydrostats, especially focusing on exploratory tasks across different sectors. As soft robotics moves to incorporate and develop digital twins of physical designs, inputs from biologists and experimentalists will play a key role in improving the fidelity of such designs, something that we aim to achieve through this workshop as well.  

Topics of Interest

National University of Singapore

Italian Institute of Technology


This workshop's organisers would like to acknowledge the "REBOT- Rethinking Underwater Manipulation" project funded by the Ministry of Education, Singapore (Tier 2 grant- T2EP50221-0028), and "DESTRO: Dextrous yet Soft Robots" project funded by the Italy-Singapore Science and Technology Cooperation Grant by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Italy, and the Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR), Singapore. This workshop is also supported by the IEEE RAS Technical Committee on Soft Robotics.

                  Feel free to reach out to us for any queries!