RoboLetics: Workshop on Robot Learning in Athletics @CoRL 2023


The workshop aims to explore the latest innovations and challenges in developing agile robotic systems with athletic behaviors, with a specific focus on leveraging learning techniques. Sports provide an ideal testbed for advancing robotic technology due to their demanding requirements of agility, autonomy, and precision. By addressing the unique challenges posed by sports applications, such as real-time control, dynamic adaptation, and intelligent game strategies, we can push the boundaries of robotic performance. The workshop will cover a wide range of vital topics including enhancing athletic behaviors through learning, improving real-time control in dynamic environments, overcoming challenges in deploying real-time machine learning systems, developing intelligent game strategies, and fostering interdisciplinary collaborations. By incorporating video demonstrations and various presentation formats, the workshop aims to facilitate knowledge exchange, inspire collaboration, and drive advancements in the integration of learning techniques in athletic robotics. The workshop is designed to engage a diverse audience from robotics, machine learning, sports science, and related disciplines, fostering interdisciplinary discussions and unlocking new possibilities for athletic and intelligent robotic systems.

Date and Venue:

6th November, 2023  (8:30 am - 5:30 pm)
Muse 2, The Starling Hotel
188 14th Street, Atlanta, Georgia 30361, USA

online attendance:

You can also submit questions for speakers and panelists at:


Invited speakers

Jan Peters

TU Darmstadt, Germany

Lessons from 20 years of Learning in Robot Athletics: Baseball, Table Tennis, Air Hockey and Juggling!

Tuomas Haarnoja 

Google Deepmind, USA

Learning Humanoid Soccer with Deep Reinforcement Learning

Dario Bellicoso

Boston Dynamics, USA

Taskable Agility: Making Useful Dynamic Behavior Easier to Create

Koushil Sreenath

UC Berkeley, USA

Advancing Athletic Behaviors in Robots through Learning

Soon-Jo Chung

Caltech and NASA JPL, USA

Safe and Stable Learning for Agile Robotics

David Scaramuzza

ETH Zurich, Switzerland

Champion-level Drone Racing using Deep Reinforcement Learning

Cassie Mitchell

Georgia Tech, USA

A Paralympian’s Perspective on Robot Learning in Athletics 

Saminda Abeyruwan

Google Robotics, USA

Robotic Table Tennis: Athletic Robots from Simulation to the Real World


Matthew Gombolay

Georgia Institute of Technology, USA

Alessandra Rossi

University of Naples Federico II, Italy

Rohan Paleja

Georgia Institute of Technology, USA

Zulfiqar Zaidi

Georgia Institute of Technology, USA

Georgios Angelopoulos

University of Naples Federico II, Italy

Kin Man Lee

Georgia Institute of Technology, USA

Accepted Papers and video demonstrations

Accepted Papers:

Accepted Demonstration Papers:

Call for Papers and video demonstrations

We invite researchers to submit their contributions to the workshop in the form of short papers (2 pages) accompanied by video demonstrations or standalone papers (4 pages). These submissions should align with the workshop's topics of interest and will serve as a basis for initiating discussions during the event. Accepted papers will be presented as posters, presentations, and videos, and with the authors' permission, they will be published on the workshop website. 

Topics of Interest include:

We encourage submissions that demonstrate and benchmark their approaches on sports-related applications such as table tennis, tennis, soccer, air hockey, and others. 

Submission Website: CoRL 2023 Workshop RoboLetics | OpenReview 

Important Dates:

Authors can submit demo papers of 2 pages accompanied with videos or 4 pages standalone contributions. All papers must be submitted in PDF and must follow the CoRL format. All papers will be peer-reviewed (double-blind). Both unpublished original contributions and previously published work may be submitted.  

We look forward to receiving your submissions and engaging in fruitful discussions at the workshop.


All questions about submissions or workshop should be emailed to any of the following people: