Smack a Spook Light

This app is distributed on Google Play Store. Google Play Store sends developers information such as how many installs, uninstalls, and crashes there were and which Android device models and versions were involved.

This app is supported by ads. They are served by a third party, Google AdMob, which serves ads from Google and their advertising partners. Google places an identifier on the device installing the app, which is used to serve ads, for both personalized ads and ads that are not personalized. Personalized ads are ads which use a users demographics, interests, etc. to show them more relevant advertising. This app is set to not show personalized ads.

There are requirements that need to be met by law and also by Google Play Store to have advertising in an app for children under 13. This app is not intended for children under 13.

To learn more how Google may collect and use your personal information, please visit Google's privacy policy before installing and using the app. You can read about Google's advertising policies here . You can also read Google AdMob's policies to learn more about Google AdMob.

If you would like an ad-free experience, a paid version of the app is available to purchase.