
Current projects

Some past projects

A Framework for Computational Semantics (FraCaS), 1993-1996

Information exchange in dialogue (INDI), Riksbankens jubileumsfond, 1998–2000

Swedish dialogue move engine (SDIME), part of Swedish dialogue systems, NUTEK-HSFR, 1998-2000

Comparative Semantics for Nordic Languages (NordSem), NOS-H , 1998-2001

Finite state grammar for finding grammatical errors in Swedish text, 1998-2001 (part of Integrated language tools for writing and document handling)

Specification, Interaction and Reconfiguration in Dialogue Understanding Systems (Siridus), 2000-2002

Documentation Centre for Language Technology

Dialogues in the Home Machine Environment (D'Homme), EC Project IST 2000-26280, 2001

Interactive Language Technology, PI Aarne Ranta, Vinnova, 2002-2004

Records, types and computational dialogue semantics, Vetenskapsrådet 2002-4879, 2003-2005

Att lära sig skriva i IT-samhället, PIs Ylva Hård av Segerstad and Sylvana Sofkova Hashemi, Vetenskapsrådet, 2003-2007

TALK, 2004-2006

Library-Based Grammar Engineering, PI Aarne Ranta, Vetenskapsrådet 2005-4211, 2006-2008

SemCoord, 2008-2011

saicd, 2010-2012

nettypes 2014-2016