Research Papers

Abstract: We exhibit infinitely many exotic pairs of simply-connected, closed 4-manifolds not related by any cork of the infinite family Wn  constructed by Akbulut and Yasui whose first member is the Akbulut cork. In particular, the Akbulut cork is not universal. Moreover we show that, in the setting of manifolds with boundary, there are no -universal corks, i.e. there does not exist a cork which relates any exotic pair of simply-connected 4-manifolds with boundary.

Abstract: We construct the first examples of non-smoothable self-homeomorphisms of smooth 

4-manifolds with boundary that fix the boundary and act trivially on homology. As a corollary, we construct self-diffeomorphisms of 4-manifolds with boundary that fix the boundary and act trivially on homology but cannot be isotoped to any self-diffeomorphism supported in a collar of the boundary and, in particular, are not isotopic to any generalised Dehn twist.

Abstract: We introduce and study a class of compact 4-manifolds with boundary that we call protocorks. Any exotic pair of simply connected closed 4-manifolds is related by a protocork twist, moreover, any cork is supported by a protocork. We prove a theorem on the relative Seiberg-Witten invariants of a protocork before and after twisting and a splitting theorem on the Floer homology of protocork boundaries. As a corollary we improve a theorem by Morgan and Szabó regarding the variation of Seiberg-Witten invariants with an upper bound which depends only on the topology of the data. Moreover we show that for any cork, only the reduced Floer homology of its boundary contributes to the variation of the Seiberg-Witten invariants after a cork twist.