Research Supervision

Former Ph.D. Students

(2014) Anthony Osuntuyi, thesis on Bayesian Markov-switching GARCH (co-supervised with Monica Billio), current position: Lecturer at Department of Mathematics, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Nigeria

(2015) Daniel Felix Ahelegbey, thesis on Bayesian Graphical Models (co-supervised with Monica Billio), current position: Post-doc at Dep. of Mathematics and Statistics, Boston University.

(2016) Komla Mawulom Agudze, thesis on Panel Markov-Switching Models (co-supervised with Monica Billio), current position: Risk Analyst, World Bank Group, Washington, US.

(2016) Luca Rossini, thesis on Bayesian nonparametric models (co-supervised with Monica Billio), current position: Assistant Professor, Department of Statistics, Queen Merry University, London.

(2018) Giovanna Notarnicola, thesis on Firms Expectations and Uncertainty (co-supervised with Agar Brugiavini), current position: Data Scientist, AVIS, London.

(2018) Matteo Iacopini, thesis on Tensor regression models (co-supervised with Monica Billio and Dominique Guegan), current position: Marie-Currie Fellowship, Vrije University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam.

(2022) Giulia Carallo, thesis on Integer-vaued processes (co-supervised with Monica Billio), current position: Post-doc at Ca' Foscari University of Venice.

(2022) Giovanni Pianon, thesis on Calibration Models (co-supervised with Monica Billio)

(2023) Ovielt Baltodano, thesis on Stochastic Block Network Models (co-supervised with Pietro Dindo), current position: Post-doc at Ca' Foscari University of Venice.

Current Ph.D. Students

(2024) Antonio Peruzzi thesis on Latent Position Models (co-supervised with Pietro Dindo).

(2025) Andrea Trovato thesis on Non-homogeneous Markov-switching (co-supervised with Monica Billio).

(2026) Qing Wang thesis on Bayesian dimensionality reduction techniques for high-dimensional models (co-supervised with Radu Craiu).

Post-doctoral Researchers

(2018) Daniele Bianchi 

(2022) Dario Palumbo