Robert Hult

A Korean War vet, Indiana native Robert Hult and his wife Rita moved to Washington in 1962.  Forever an insurance man, his job led to many changes of scenery for his family.  During his short time in Washington, the couple was heavily involved in Republican political groups.  Robert was also a member of the Jaycees, Optimists, and Rotary.  In 1969, Hult defeated incumbent Wallace Asbury for Mayor of Washington.

Hult oversaw a great deal of annexation during his short two-year stint at the helm.  The town footprint grew significantly as the march westward continued.  In the summer of 1971, he announced his job was relocating the family to Cedar Rapids, Iowa, and he resigned his mayoral position which was then filled by Thomas Boyd.

Hult passed away in 2005, and he is buried in Glendale Cemetery in Washington.