
Current Teaching:

I am the module leader for the following courses:

  • Principles of Macroeconomics (1st year BSc)

  • Economics of Banking (3rd year BSc)

Previous Teaching :

At King's Business School I have taught the following modules as a tutorial and module leader:

  • Mathematics for Accounting and Finance (1st year level - module leader)

  • Principles of Macroeconomics (1st year BSc)

  • Macroeconomics (2nd year BSc)

  • International Finance (3rd year BSc)

I was a Graduate Teaching Assistant at Cardiff Business School between 2013-2017 and taught the following courses:

  • Introductory Course in Mathematics (MSc level)

  • Quantitative Methods (MSc level)

  • Money, Banking and Finance (2nd year BSc)

  • Macroeconomics 1 (1st year BSc)

  • Contemporary Economic Issues (1st year BSc)