My current interests lie in algebraic combinatorics, enumerative combinatorics and representation stability. I particularly enjoy using representation theory to better understand generally unruly objects in commutative algebra via combinatorics. 


Pattern avoidance and the fundamental bijection

with Kassie Archer arXiv (last updated 07/08/2024)

Pattern restricted permutations of small order

with Kassie Archer Submitted arXiv (last updated 02/24/2024)

Systems of ideals parametrized by combinatorial structures

with Andrew Snowden Submitted arXiv (last updated 04/07/2023)

An antichain or monomial ideals in a twisted commutative algebra

Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., to appear arXiv (last updated 07/16/2021)

Syzygies of P^1 x P^1: data and conjectures

with Juliette Bruce, Daniel Corey, Daniel Erman, Steve Goldstein, Jay Yang J. of Alg. 593 (2022), 598-621 arXiv (last updated 10/05/2019)

Equivariant primes for infinite dimensional supergroups

with Andrew Snowden Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., to appear arXiv (last updated 10/05/2019)

Representation stability for sequences of 0-Hecke modules

Alg. Comb. 4 (2021), no. 4,  619-661 arXiv (last updated 10/05/2019)

Computing Schur complexes

with Michael K. Brown, Hang Huang, Michael Perlman, Claudiu Raicu, Steven V Sam, Joao Pedro Santos J. Softw. Alg. Geom. 9 (2019) 111-119  arXiv (last updated 11/18/2019)

Syzygies of secant ideals of Plucker-embedded Grassmannians are generated in bounded degree

arXiv (last updated 3/23/2018)

The spin-Brauer diagram algebra

J. Algebraic Comb. 50 (2019) 191–224 arXiv (last updated 11/6/2018)