Cancer Calculators

  • Adjuvant online has survival and benefit calculators for breast, colon, lung

  • Breast cancer calculators:
    To calculate a woman's survival odds at 10 years with or without taking adjuvant hormone therapy or chemotherapy Finprog data here or use the calculator called Predict. Mass General has calculators for breast cancer and overall survival, then benefit from therapy and lymph nodes risks all here. MDA Anderson has a number of breast calculators (risk of nodes, benefits of therapy and outcome) go here

To calculate the odds that the cancer has spread to the sentinel lymph nodes or other lymph nodes in the axilla go the site from Memorial Sloan-Kettering here , they also have calculators for the risk of additional lymph node mets and the risk of a relapse for DCIS. Other sentinel node calculators here. The risk of a recurrence after a mastectomy is here

To calculate the risk of ever getting breast cancer go to any of the following risk assessment calculators

To calculate the risk of carrying the BRCA genes for breast cancer go to here.

  • Cancer Risk: from Harvard, various types of cancer

  • Cancer Risk from X-ray Exposure

  • Colon cancer risk of Lynch syndrome from Dana Farber

  • Head and Neck cancer survival here

  • Life Expectancy Calculators and Life Expectancy for the Elderly

  • Life expectancy lost from smoking here

  • Lung cancer risk is here

  • MD Anderson (breast,colon,esophagus, pancreas) here

  • Melanoma calculators

  • MGH has calculators for breast, melanoma, renal

  • Prostate cancer calculators are here

  • Memorial Sloan Kettering has nomograms for bladder,breast, colorectal,endometrial, gastric,GIST, lung, melanoma,ovary, pancreas,prostate, renal (kidney) and sarcoma , thyroid, uterince sarcoma go here

  • Fox Chases has many cancer nomograms here (for kidney, prostate, bladder, adrenal)

  • Oregon: survival calcs for head and neck, rectal, thyroid, esophagus, oral, lung, biliary, gallbladder, pancreas here.

  • Cleveland Clinic multiple cancer site calculators here

  • Multiple cancer calcs from here

read article about prediction models here, other medical calculators here

Medscape list of medical calculators is here

Other cancer nomograms here.

calculate the risk from medical imaging here

US Preventive Services Task Force has some calculator (apps) information here