
Field Work, Ethnography and Ethnomethodology

“Melvin Pollner and Ethnomethodology.” With James A. Holstein. The American Sociologist 43:1-6 (2012).

“Ethnography, Interaction and Ordinary Trouble.” Ethnography 10(4):535-548 (2009).

“Introduction.” Pp. 8-13 in Elijah Anderson, Scott N. Brooks, Raymond Gunn and Nikki Jones, eds., Being Here and Being There: Fieldwork Encounters and Ethnographic Discoveries. The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, vol. 595. Sage Publications (2004).

“Working with ‘Key Incidents.’” Chapter 29 in Clive Seale, David Silverman, Jay Gubrium and Giampetro Gobo, eds., Inside Qualitative Research: Craft, Practice, Content. Sage Publications (2003).

“Constructing Participant/Observer Relations.” With Melvin Pollner. Pp. 239-59 in Robert M. Emerson (ed.), Contemporary Field Research. (Second Edition.) Prospect Heights, IL: Waveland Press (2001).

Reprinted: Mark R. Pogrebin (ed.), Qualitative Approaches to Criminal Justice: Perspectives from the Field. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage (2003).

“Participant Observation and Fieldnotes.” With Rachel I. Fretz and Linda L. Shaw. Pp. 352-68 in Paul Atkinson, Amanda Coffey, Sara Delalmont, Lyn Lofland, John Lofland (eds.), Handbook of Ethnography. London: Sage Publications (2001).

“Ethnomethodology and Ethnography.” With Melvin Pollner). Pp. 118-35 in Paul Atkinson, Amanda Coffey, Sara Delalmont, Lyn Lofland, John Lofland (eds.), Handbook of Ethnography. London: Sage Publications (2001).

"Fieldwork since Hughes: Continuities and Change." Pp. 35-45 in Actes de la “Journee Hughes.” Centre de Recherches Sociologiques et Historiques sur l’Eduction, Ecole Normale Superieure, Paris, France (1996).

French translation: “Le Travail de Terrain apres Hughes: Continuites et Changements.” Societes Contemporaines, n. 27, pp. 39-48, July (1997).

"Difference and Dialogue: Members' Readings of Ethnographic Texts." With Melvin Pollner. Pp. 79-98 in Gale Miller and James A. Holstein (eds.), Perspectives on Social Problems: A Research Annual, Vol. 3. Greenwich, CT: JAI Press (1992).

Reprinted: Darin Weinberg (ed.), Qualitative Research Methods. Blackwell Publishers. 2001.

"On the Use of Members' Responses to Researchers' Accounts." With Melvin Pollner. Human Organization 47(3):189-98 (1988).

"Reflection and Reflexivity in Ethnographic Fieldwork." Review Essay, Contemporary Sociology 16:35-37 (1987).

"Four Ways to Improve the Craft of Fieldwork." Journal of Contemporary Ethnography 16(1):69-89 (1987).

Reprinted: Paul Atkinson and Sara Delamount (eds.), Ethnographic Discourse. London: Sage Publications. (2008).

(with Melvin Pollner) "Dynamics of Inclusion and Distance in Fieldwork Relations." Pp. 235-52 in R. M. Emerson (ed.), Contemporary Field Research. Boston, MA: Little Brown. 1983

"Observational Field Work." Annual Review of Sociology 7:351-78 (1981).

French translation: Daniel Cefai, in L’enquete de terrain. Paris: Editions La Decouverte, 2003.

Trouble and Social Control Decision-Making

“Contingent Control and Wild Moments: Conducting Psychiatric Evaluations in the Home.” With Melvin Pollner. Social Inclusion 7(1):259-268 (2019). DOI: 10.17645/si.7i1.1778

“From Normal Conflict to Normative Deviance: The Micro-Politics of Trouble in Close Relationships.” Journal of Contemporary Ethnography 40(1):3-38 (2011).

“Ethnography, Interaction and Ordinary Trouble.” Ethnography 10(4):535-548 (2009).

“Responding to Roommate Troubles: Reconsidering Informal Dyadic Control.” Law & Society Review 42:483-512 (2008).

“Reflections on the Study of Informal Social Control.” Sociologisk Forskning nr1-2006:71-76 (2006).

“On Being Stalked.” With Kerry O. Ferris and Carol Brooks Gardner. Social Problems 45:289-314 (1998).

Reprinted: Claire M. Renzetti and Raquel Kennedy Bergen, Violence Against Women. SSSP Presidential Series. Lanham, MD. Rowman and Littlefield (2005).

--Bernadette H. Schell and Nellie M. Lanteigne (eds.), Stalking, Harassment and Murder in the Workplace, pp. 56-65. Westport, CT: Quorum Books (2000).

"Bus Troubles: Public Harassment and Public Transportation." With Carol Brooks Gardner. Pp. 265-73 in Perspectives on Social Problems, Vol. 9. Greenwich, CT: JAI Press (1997).

"Constructing Serious Violence and Its Victims: Processing a Domestic Violence Restraining Order." Pp. 3-28 in Gale Miller and James A. Holstein (eds.), Perspectives on Social Problems: A Research Annual, Vol. 6. Greenwich, CT: JAI Press (1994).

Swedish translation: Malin Akerstrom (ed.), Kriminalitet, Kultur, Kontroll: En Antologi. Stockholm: Carlsson Bokforlag (1996).

Reprinted: Gale Miller and James A. Holstein (eds.), Social Problems in Everyday Life: Studies of Social Problems Work. JAI Press (1997).

"Doing Discipline: The Junior High School Scene." Pp. 260-72 in Mary Lorenz Dietz, Robert Prus, and William Shaffir (eds.), Doing Everyday Life: Ethnography as Human Lived Experience. Toronto: Copp Clark Longman (1994).

"Capital Trials and Representations of Violence." Law and Society Review 27:59-63 (1993).

"Disputes in Public Bureaucracies." Pp. 3-29 in Susan S. Silbey and Austin Sarat (eds.), Studies in Law, Politics and Society, Vol. 12, Part A. Greenwich, CT: JAI Press (1992).

"Organizational Horizons in Complaint-Filing." With Blair Paley. Pp. 231-47 in Keith Hawkins (ed.), The Uses of Discretion. Oxford, U.K.: Oxford University Press (1992).

"Case Processing and Interorganizational Knowledge: Detecting the `Real Reasons' for Referrals." Social Problems 38:198-212 (1991).

"Tenability and Troubles: The Construction of Accommodative Relations by Psychiatric Emergency Teams." Pp. 215-237 in Gale Miller and James A. Holstein (eds.), Perspectives on Social Problems: A Research Annual. Vol. 1. Greenwich, CT: JAI Press (1989).

"Trouble and the Politics of Contemporary Social Control Institutions." With Carol A. B. Warren. Urban Life 12:243-47 (1983).

"The Micro-Politics of Trouble in a Psychiatric Board and Care Facility." With E. Burke Rochford, and Linda L. Shaw. Urban Life 12:349-67 (1983).

"Holistic Effects in Social Control Decision-Making." Law & Society Review 17:425-55 (1983).

Reprinted: Richard Abel (ed.), The Best of Law and Society Review. New York: New York University Press (1995).

"On Last Resorts." American Journal of Sociology 87 (1):1-22 (1981).

Swedish translation: In David Wästerfors and Katarina Jacobsson, Från Klarhet till Klarhet. Lysande texter för Sociologisk Forskning".

"Enterprise and Economics in Board and Care." With E. Burke Rochford and Linda L. Shaw. American Behavioral Scientist 24 (6):771-85 (1981).

"Policies and Practices of Psychiatric Case Selection." With Melvin Pollner. Sociology of Work and Occupations 5 (1):75-96 (1978).

"The Micro-Politics of Trouble." With Sheldon L. Messinger. Social Problems 25 (2):121-34 (1977).

Reprinted: Oscar Grusky and Melvin Pollner (eds.), The Sociology of Mental Illness: A Book of Readings. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston (1981).

-- Ken Plummer (ed.), Symbolic Interactionism, Volume II -- Contemporary Issues. London: Edward Elgar Publishing (1991).

-- James A. Holstein and Jaber F. Gubrium (eds.), Inner Lives and Social Worlds: Readings in Social Psychology. New York: Oxford University Press (2002).

"Dirty Work Designations: Their Features and Consequences in a Psychiatric Setting." With Melvin Pollner. Social Problems 23 (3):243-54 (1976).

Reprinted: Hiasaura Rubenstein and Mary Henry Bloch (eds.), Things That Matter: Influences on Helping Relationships. New York: MacMillan (1982).

"Role Determinants in Juvenile Court." Chapter 16 in Daniel Glaser (ed.), Handbook of Criminology. Chicago: Rand McNally (1974).

Reprinted: Barry C. Feld (ed.), Readings in Juvenile Justice Administration. (New York: Oxford University Press (1997).