
I have written code to do various tasks needed in my research projects, mostly in the Wolfram language. I am happy to share any of it -- send me an email! Here are some of the programs I've written:

  • Computing Hurwitz numbers (by a very fast recursive algorithm). I've used this in various projects, as well as in my undergraduate group theory classes -- the students look for patterns, formulate conjectures, and try to prove them.

  • Computing and visualizing the tropicalization of an ideal. (See the image with colored boxes on the front page!) More generally, the program implements various matroid operations. I used this in my project on the Hilbert scheme of points in P^1.

  • Enumerating boundary strata in moduli spaces M_{0,n}-bar of stable n-marked rational curves, and manipulating them in various ways. For example, Rohini Ramadas and I used this software in our project on 2-dimensional cycle classes, to explore the S_n action on the homology groups of M_{0,n}-bar.

  • Computing Gromov-Witten invariants of projective hypersurfaces, via torus localization.

  • Enumerating boundary strata in certain moduli spaces of admissible covers. Rohini Ramadas and I used this software in our project on the moduli space of rational functions with a 5-periodic critical point.

  • Visualization software for various group actions, again used in my group theory classes.