
Sprinkler Installation A green lawn is often the first thing a person notices about your curb appeal and with over 25 years experience, Rob Fawcett Sprinklers can help you design a system that fits your needs. We can keep your system and your yard in mint condition year around.

Sprinkler Repair Did the lawn mower damage a head? Did MNSI cut a line? Perhaps something went wrong – seemingly out of the blue. While most lawn sprinkler systems will run perfectly for years with a bit of upkeep, even the best ones malfunction on occasion. By identifying and resolving problems quickly, we can ensure your sprinklers continue to operate smoothly and efficiently for years to come.

Winterization To minimize the risk of freeze damage to your irrigation system, you'll need to "winterize" your irrigation system. Remaining water in the sprinkler lines can freeze, expand and crack the PVC piping (rigid, white pipe), usually from fitting to fitting. Freezing water in the backflow assembly will damage the internal components and could possibly crack the brass body.