Welcome to Roadbook Rally's Privacy Policy. 

This document explains our commitment to your privacy when using our navigation application, Roadbook Rally. We value your trust and prioritize the protection of your personal information.

Privacy Policy


This Privacy Policy delineates the meticulous collection, usage, and retention of location data within the navigation application, Roadbook Rally, developed solely by Tetsushi Yamaguchi (hereinafter referred to as the "App").

We hold your privacy in the highest regard and handle all personal information with the utmost care. By strictly adhering to this policy, we are resolutely committed to responsibly safeguarding your personal data.

Data Collection

Roadbook Rally meticulously gathers the following data:

Location and Orientation Information: We acquire location and orientation data using GPS, Wi-Fi, mobile networks, etc.

Usage of Information

The collected location data serves the following explicit purposes:

Trip Meter and Direction Display (CAP): Location data is exclusively used within the app for computations and display to indicate the traveled distance and device orientation.

Information Sharing

Roadbook Rally maintains a strict policy of not repurposing the collected location data or sharing it with any third parties.

Data Storage and Security

Roadbook Rally ensures that all collected data is confined solely within your device and does not undergo external storage.

Cookies and Similar Technologies

Roadbook Rally does not employ cookies or similar technologies.

Changes to Privacy Policy

We reserve the right to periodically update or modify this Privacy Policy as necessitated. Any modifications will be promptly communicated through our support site.

Contact Information

For any inquiries regarding this Privacy Policy, please do not hesitate to contact Tetsushi Yamaguchi at the following support sites:

X(Twitter): twitter.com/REPSOLCRF

Facebook: www.facebook.com/tetsushi.yamaguchi.779