
What brings your team together toward a common goal?

Innovation by Passion

Our team is brought together by a shared passion for researching the possibilities brought on by the recent technologies involving the many sophisticated sensors that modern vehicles are now becoming equipped with. These new sensors combined with a world that is more connected than ever with advances such as 5G, allow for new IOT network possibilities in the frame of real-time sensing than ever before. It is our goal to experimentally research these possibilities by means of simulation on a large, city-wide scale to see how this could be implemented in the future. 

Meet the team

We foster a collaborative and inclusive team culture that values creativity, open communication, and a willingness to take on new challenges. We believe that everyone on our team has something valuable to contribute and we strive to create an environment that encourages personal and professional growth. We are proud of our diverse team and the unique perspectives that each individual brings to the table, and we are committed to supporting one another in our shared mission in researching the possibilities of the age of IOT networks and sensor-laden  modern vehicle fleets.

Andre Nehme

Braeden Sherritt

Let's Connect

We believe that collaboration and open communication are key to success. We are always looking to connect with like-minded individuals and organizations who share our passion for innovation and our commitment to researching the possibilities of the age of IOT networks. Whether you have a question about our work, are interested in partnering with us, or simply want to learn more about what we do, we would love to hear from you.