Recent Updates

Competition Results
Jimin Rhim | Sep 1, 2021

The winning team and their ethical robot solution along with live-streamed video of the Evaluation Day are uploaded!

Congratulations Team JEDI!

Tune into the evaluation day live stream
AJung Moon | Aug 7, 2021

It's finally happening! Our evaluation day will take place tomorrow, Aug 8th, 10 AM. The final schedule can be found on the Evaluation Day page. We will be live streaming the event via Youtube. See you all there.

Competition platform v2 is out now!
Cheng Lin | Jul 28, 2021

The competition development platform has been updated to include realistic Gazebo models for all objects and personas. You can find all of the details, and steps to update your development environment, at Getting Started.

Submission guidelines updated
Jimin Rhim | July 28, 2021

The Roboethics competition submission day is fast approaching: August 1st, 2021 (23:59, AoE)!

Please find the finalized guidelines for submitting your team's deliverables at Submission Guidelines.

Competition platform is now live!
Cheng Lin| Jul 16, 2021

We’re happy to announce that the development platform for the competition is now live. You can find all of the details on how to set up your development environment and begin programming the robot at the Getting Started page. An email containing all of this information was sent today to all registered participants.

If you have registered and did not receive an email about the platform launch, please contact an organizer ASAP. As well, if you haven't registered yet, please register ASAP here.

Happy ethical designing, and stay tuned for more updates!

The Roboethics to Design & Development Competition Website is Live -- Sign up to get updates!
AJung Moon | Jul 7, 2021

Welcome to the Roboethics to Design & Development Competition. Be sure to sign up with your intention to participate, so that you get competition-related updates through email from the organizers. Teams of students, hobbyists, and professionals are all welcome to participate. Don't have a team yet? Looking to grow your team with people from different backgrounds? The Open Roboethics Institute will help find you a teammate. Fill out this form if you need some help forming a team!