My first issue is that I cannot access the Pedalboard GUI since my Windows machine is not recognizing the device properly.

Unfortunately the file under ist missing now, or the servers are down.

I have been using the RNDIS feature of the USB port to allow my customers to connect to my PXA and T20 based systems for several years and it has been working very well. But I have run into problems when trying to support users of Windows 10.

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The first problem was that Windows 10 will not allow unsigned drivers to be installed. I have solved that by buying a code signing certificate and using it to generate a signed .cat file from my .inf file.

The problem is described here on MSDN. The problem is that Windows 10 has a new default driver which is installed for USB\Class_02&SubClass_02 and the RNDIS interface of the T20 matches that class and subclass, so Windows 10 loads the USB serial port driver instead of the RNDIS driver.

Here is another useful link from Microsoft. This suggests than an RNDIS device should use USB class 2 and subclass 0. But the T20 uses class 2 and subclass 2, which matches the serial port driver that Windows 10 is loading. If we could change the subclass from 2 to 0 in the T20 image then I think we might solve this problem.

If you want to load Usbser.sys automatically, set the class code to 02 and subclass code to 02 in the Device Descriptor. For more information, see USB communications device class (or USB CDC) Specification found on the USB DWG website. With this approach, you are not required to distribute INF files for your device because the system uses Usbser.inf.

If your device specifies class code 02 but a subclass code value other than 02, Usbser.sys does not load automatically. Pnp Manager tries to find a driver. If a suitable driver is not found, the device might not have a driver loaded. In this case, you might have to load your own driver or write an INF that references another in-box driver.

Do you have platformbuilder, to quickly give it a try if it works with changing the subclass ID? You have to add an other condition in the function ReadConfigurationValues where SetClassIds is called. Unfortunately these values are hardcoded there as defines currently and can not be modified by registry change.

@samuel.tx, thanks for making that patched DLL for me to test. I did also download and install Platform Builder and used it to build the Toradex image 1.4. I also found the line of code in rndisfn.cpp that looked like it needed to be changed to change the USB subclass. But I realized that building an OS image is not the same as building that DLL so it saved me quite a bit of time to use your DLL instead.

The patched DLL worked as expected in that the Subclass changed from 2 to 0. This stopped Windows 10 from loading the virtual COM port driver as we hoped, but Windows 10 still did not load my driver instead. I learned that the reason for that is the technique I have been using for a long time of putting .inf files into C:\Windows\Inf so that Windows can find. This technique no longer works on Windows 10. I have to actually install the driver into the the Windows Driver Store using the API call DiDriverInstall(). If I install the driver this way then Windows 10 finds it when I plug in my USB cable and everything works correctly.

This is a good outcome as it means that I do not need to update the OS image in the products I have already shipped, I just need to update my Windows code to install the driver correctly. Thanks for helping me to figure this out.

I am going to deploy that DLL with my product in order to add Windows 10 support. I think you should include this change in the standard Toradex image when you get a chance, and I will then stop deploying the patched DLL and use the one built into the image instead. I think you should make this change for all of your modules, not just the T20, as this seems to be the right way to implement RNDIS and everyone should benefit from this change - especially as Windows 10 becomes more popular.

@kwebster83: Did you tried with the patched driver linked in the answer ( )? I think with this you not even have to reboot in advanced mode. Please give it a try. You can replace the driver in the registry by putting the downloaded driver into \FlashDisk\System, rename it and as well rename the driver in the registry itself. The driver was built for CE 7.

Note: We have additional issues with RNDIS freezing the whole Windows 10 (was also the case in Windows 8): In case you are doing platform debugging and the target system hangs, after about 10 seconds also Windows 10 will hang and reboot. We have not been able to fix this. Not sure this also affects you in case you use RNDIS as function driver in the OS itself.

Hey Olivier GALLIEN, That method works but sometimes can't find the right driver for your pc to manually implement I do this method just to official =USB+RNDIS and download here rndis drive or for full information step by step I have explained well with including direct download link of rndis driver -and-update-rndis-driver-for-windows-10/

if you're still getting issues after installing rndis drive then joey explained step by step guide to installing rndis driver in your pc and after that, you must restart your computer and should be installed .net framework 3.5v in your computer and upgraded version on that. here the solution link was joey talking about rndis driver -and-update-rndis-driver-for-windows-10/ and a direct download link of rndis driver. of _4b9970e3174b23b5cb2...

Step 6: SSH is disabled default in new Raspbian OS. You can enable it by simply create an empty file and name it as ssh without any extension. Make sure the file name extensions option is selected in windows view settings.

Step 8: If the RNDIS driver installs automatically then jump to Step 10 for SSH using Putty. If it installs as a USB Serial Device then continue the following steps. You can check this in Device Manager. In Windows 10 the RNDIS Driver installs as a USB Serial Device at COM Port. So we need to install drivers to manually enable Ethernet over USB.

Step 10: Make sure you have installed Bonjour Service (Apple Inc.) on your PC. It is a service to discover the Shared resources on the network and web servers. If you have iTunes installed on your PC, then it had been already installed. If Bonjour is not installed then the Hostname will not be mapped with IP. So you are not able to use Hostname (eg: raspberripi.local) in Putty (You can use direct IP of Pi. But finding the IP will be complex for headless setup).

Business Operations Specialist, Embedded Engineer, Content-Writer, Electronic Enthusiast. Loves automating with Electronics and Software. A Certified Salesforce Administrator. Follow me on Twitter and LinkedIn.

I have updated about Bonjour service. And regarding the drivers, it is hosted on that MOD website only (They are using this driver for their musical devices). I have just added the direct download link.

I have used the INF template that comes with MSDN with product id and vendor

id changed to match the device in use. I hope someone would be able to

explain to me what is going wrong or atleast give suggestions on how to

debug this problem.

I have used the INF template that comes with MSDN with product id and

vendor id changed to match the device in use. I hope someone would be

able to explain to me what is going wrong or atleast give suggestions on

how to debug this problem.

It seems the problem was with an already used vendor/product id since I had

used this combination for another HID device. Now, with a different

vendor/product id I am able to properly load the driver and the device works


But, now I am facing another problem. The above solution worked as long as

the device was an Ethernet-only device. Once I made it

composite(devclass/devsubclass id as 0/0) the device manager does no longer

see the two interfaces(CDC master and slave) together. In stead when I plug

in the device I see two devices being handled by the windows usb composite

driver instead of just one.

It seems the problem was with an already used vendor/product id since

I had used this combination for another HID device. Now, with a

different vendor/product id I am able to properly load the driver and

the device works fine.

But, now I am facing another problem. The above solution worked as

long as the device was an Ethernet-only device. Once I made it

composite(devclass/devsubclass id as 0/0) the device manager does no

longer see the two interfaces(CDC master and slave) together. In stead

when I plug in the device I see two devices being handled by the

windows usb composite driver instead of just one.

2. Unfortunately the RNDIS_Template.inf provided does not correspond to the descriptor from the manual. And the inf file is not signed also, so I can't use it on Windows8.1 even if I adjust the descriptor to match the inf file. While we own PID and are able to sign drivers I would like to start with something proved to work. So I installed generic RNDIS driver bundled with Windows8.1 - the "USB RNDIS adapter". It uses rndisimpx.sys and usb8023x.sys binaries. The device is now gets enumerated by Windows host and Windows says (sometimes) that it is operating normally.

Windows creates network driver instance but places it in disabled state. After a while the yellow exclamation mark appears on top of the USB RNDIS adapter icon in Device Manager with device status "This device cannot start. (Code 10)". The error code may vary.

2. Is it OK to use "USB RNDIS adapter"? There are several RNDIS drivers bundled with Windows. Do I need some particular version? Is any particular requirements to Windows driver version imposed by USBX RNDIS implementation.

Attached is a project for SSP 1.6.0 using e2studio and GCC complier, that attaches a USB RNDIS network interface as a secondary interface to an IP instance. The Synergy end of the RNIS has a fixed IP address (, there is an unsigned .INF file that corresonds to the setup included in the project. Once the driver has been installed, you should get a "Remote NDIS6 based Device" appear in Device manager :- 152ee80cbc

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