When the Roll Is Called Up Yonder is an 1893 hymn with words and music by James Milton Black. It is one of the most popular Christian hymns of all time. The song was inspired by the idea of The Book of Life mentioned in the Bible, and by the absence of a child in Black's Sunday school class when the attendance was taken.[1] The idea of someone's being not in attendance in heaven haunted Black, and after visiting the child's home and calling on a doctor to attend her for pneumonia, he went home and wrote the song after not finding one on a similar topic in his hymn collection.[2] The song's lyrics were first published in a collection titled Songs of the Soul and the song has since been translated into at least 14 languages and sung all over the world in a variety of Christian denominations.[3] There are more than 500 versions available on such sites as Amazon, recorded by various artists such as Loretta Lynn, Johnny Cash, Jim Nabors, and Willie Nelson, to the traditional tune. The lyrics have also been set to new music by contemporary gospel artists such as Doris Johnson.In 1945, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill created a stir in the British press when he quoted the hymn in response to a question about when the Big Three were going to meet; stated the Winnipeg Free Press: "Mr. Churchill, in one of his somewhat puckish moods, replied that he did not know, but, he added irreverently, 'When the roll is called up yonder, I'll be there.'" The British press expressed surprise at Churchill, an Anglican, being familiar with a hymn more associated with Methodism, Presbyterianism, and other "chapel" denominations or the revival meetings of Dwight L. Moody and Ira D. Sankey or R. A. Torrey and Charles McCallon Alexander, whereas the Free Press speculated that Churchill might well have heard the "catchy" tune in the street meetings held by the Salvation Army.[4] He might also have remembered the lyrics from the 1941 movie Sergeant York.

2 On that bright and cloudless morning 

when the dead in Christ shall rise,

and the glory of his resurrection share;

when his chosen ones shall gather 

to their home beyond the skies,

and the roll is called up yonder, I'll be there. [Refrain]

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3 Let us labor for the Master 

from the dawn till setting sun,

let us talk of all his wondrous love and care;

then when all of life is over, 

and our work on earth is done,

and the roll is called up yonder, I'll be there. [Refrain]

"When the Roll Is Called Up Yonder" was inspired by the idea of The Book of Life mentioned in the Bible, and by the absence of a child in Black's Sunday school class when the attendance was taken. The thought of someone's being not in attendance in heaven haunted Black, and after visiting the child's home and calling on a doctor to attend her for pneumonia, he went home and wrote the song after not finding one on a similar topic in his hymn collection.

The song's lyrics were first released in a compilation called Songs of the Soul and the hymn has since been translated into at least 14 languages and sung all over the world in a variety of Christian denominations. There are more than 500 versions available on such sites as Amazon, recorded by various artists such as Loretta Lynn, Johnny Cash, Jim Nabors, and Willie Nelson, to the traditional tune.

A Prayer for When God's Great Things Feel Small for You - Your Daily Prayer - May 30God wants you to see that every single day, He is giving you an opportunity to work for the Kingdom of God.

And I said, O God, when my own name is called up yonder, may I be there to respond! I longed for something suitable to sing just then, but I could find nothing in the books. We closed the meeting, and on my way home I was still wishing that there might be a song that could be sung on such occasions.

Then the words of the first stanza came to me in full. In fifteen minutes more I had composed the other two verses. Going to the piano, I played the music just as it is found today in the hymn books, note for note, and I have never dared to change a single word or a note of the piece since.

If you have your Bible, please open it to Revelation Chapter 20. After a long and boring sermon, the congregation filed out of the church saying nothing to the preacher. Towards the end of the line was a thoughtful person who always commented on the sermons. "Pastor, today your sermon reminded me of the peace and love of God!" The pastor was thrilled. "No-one has ever said anything like that about my preaching before. Tell me why." "Well - it reminded me of the Peace of God because it passed all understanding and the Love of God because it endured forever!"

That is what it takes to be a Christian. Not say some prayer that you do not mean or understand. Not sitting in a pew every week, but fully believing that Jesus is the Son of God and He died for your sins and then confessing and saying that of which you believe. Only those who do both of those will find their name written in the Book of Life. Look at part of the chorus of When the Roll is Called Up Yonder:

Every single person who has ever walked the face of the Earth will one day stand before God and give an account for what they have done whether it be good or bad. There is no getting out of this. It does not matter if you are young or old. Dead or alive. Christian or Non-Christian. Your race does not matter. Your gender does not matter. The scripture says:

All includes everyone. It also does not matter if you have never even heard of Jesus before. Those who have not heard will also be judged. It is a sad reality to know that the first time that some people will ever hear of or see God will be Judgement Day. Verse 15 of Revelation 20 tells us this:

If your name is not in the Book of Life when the roll is called, you will spend an eternity in hell. Verse 15 tells us that. If someone has never even heard of Christ, how can they accept Christ? They cannot. Meaning, all those who have never heard of Christ will be thrown into hell on Judgement Day. Folks, there is a reason why I have said it over and over and over again since y`all made me the Interim Pastor that we need to be going out and spreading the Gospel. There is a reason behind me repeatedly telling y`all that we must become the church and be more outwardly focused than we are inwardly focused. I keep preaching that to y`all because there are millions of people around the world who have never even heard of the Gospel before. They have no idea who Jesus is or what He done for us. They have no idea that they will spend an eternity in hell if they do not accept Christ. They do not know any of that and how can they know if we do not tell them? Romans 10:14 says this:

"When James Milton Black came home, his wife saw at once that he wasdeeply troubled. Tears filled his eyes as he entered his gate. Now hesat down at his piano and in a few minutes wrote the words and composeda song that is familiar to most American church-goers: "When the Roll IsCalled up Yonder."

James Milton Black was born on this day, August19, 1856 in South Hill, New York. He acquired an early musicaleducation in singing and organ playing and knew such famous songsters ofhis day as Daniel Towner and John Howard. Around 1881, he moved toWilliamsport, Pennsylvania where he carried on Christian work throughthe Methodist Episcopal church. Teaching music during the week, he was asong leader, Sunday school teacher and youth leader in his spare hours.In addition to all this work, he edited hymnals.

He loved young people and tried to win them for Christ. One day, ashe passed through an alley, he met a ragged fourteen-year-old girl. Shewas the daughter of an alcoholic. He invited her to his Sunday schooland youth group and she began to attend.

However, one day when he took roll, the girl did not respond. Eachchild had to say a Scripture verse when his or her name was called.James saw a lesson in her silence. "I spoke of what a sad thing it wouldbe when our names are called from the Lamb's Book of Life, ifone of us should be absent."

He was not the kind of man to let the matter die with a moral lesson.After Sunday school, he went to his pupil's home to find out why she hadnot showed up for class. He found her dangerously ill and sent for hisown doctor--they still made house calls then. The doctor said that shehad pneumonia. Since that was before the days of antibiotics, death washighly likely.

A lump filled her throat. She leaned her back against a post, trembling, feeling the rise and fall of days and nights, of summer and winter; surging, ebbing, leaping about her, far out over the fields to where earth and sky lay folded in darkness. (132-133)

When Silas learns about Sarah and the salesman, he throws the gramophone out of the house and breaks it.Silas symbolically rids the house of the seductive instrument that had a hand in the interaction between Sarah and the salesman, thus further linking the role of music in the interactions between the two.

It must be noted that I do still see the salesman act as violating Sarah, and I am more prone to viewing it as rape rather than consensual. However, we must not ignore the evidence that points to a possible consensual liaison. Even with this reading, though, I would caution against the idea that Sarah wanted the sex to occur with the man throughout the story. I see this more as a seduction, one that Sarah falls for based on the music and her previous thoughts about Tom. In a way, this would also fall under the realm of coerced sexual congress rather than consensual.

 Category: african american literature, african americans, american literature, Literature, mississippi literature, richard wright, Uncategorized, uncle tom's children, uncle tom's children. afircan american literature, when the roll in called up yonder

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