Call for Papers

Call For Papers


The theme “Territories, communities and sustainability: views from Southern Europe” is a challenging approach to study the links between different areas of knowledge, inviting interdisciplinary outlooks to sociologists and other social scientists interested in environment, development and educational issues.

This can be a particularly relevant reflection in the post-pandemic phase of current times, highlighting regional and local features of a global experience. It allows comparing Southern European societies, between themselves but also with other European (and non-European) societies, and therefore, providing insights to better understand each geographic and cultural area.  


Participants are invited to discuss the actual role of communities and the linkages with territories, the social and cultural dynamics, and institutional foundations of Southern Europe, to understand current challenges and dilemmas specifically linked to territories and communities living on them.

Papers with a comparative focus between countries of Southern Europe, other parts of Europe, the Mediterranean area and beyond are especially encouraged, as well as specific studies at country and regional level that provide general implications for the whole region. 


Authors can send their proposals to one of the thematic tracks of ESA RN27: 

• Territories, communities and social spaces 

• Nature, environments and ecologies 

• Education, research and innovation 

• Gender 

• Social stratification 

• Cultures and lifestyles 

• Social policy 

• Migration and mobility 

• Work, firms and markets 

• Theoretical and conceptual development on Southern European societies 


or to a special session:

• Social work and associationism in Southern Europe (with the Portuguese Sociological Association – Thematic Section on Civil society, diverse economies and volunteering)

• Comparative education in Southern Europe (with the Portuguese Society of Educational Sciences – Section of Comparative Education)

Abstract submission deadline: 16th of July 2023 [closed


Abstracts should have between 300 and 400 words and should be accompanied by three to five keywords, the name(s) and affiliation(s) of the author(s) and email(s).

The language for abstracts is open, besides English, to different languages of potential common understanding in Southern Europe, namely Portuguese, Spanish, French and Italian.

Abstracts should be submitted to: 


Instructions for registration will be available after the notification of acceptance.

For more information:


A collective call for papers on this theme will be proposed for publication in a special issue in the journals of sociological national associations in Southern Europe. The conference organizing committee is open to further possibilities of publication (to be confirmed).