Submission Guidelines

Work submitted must be completed while you were a student at FAU. Works created before March 2023 will not be considered. Up to ten (10) works can be submitted for the 12th volume of the Remarque magazine. Entries that do not follow the guidelines or submission form will not be considered.

Image Mode

Convert All Files to CMYK or Greyscale. RGB will not be accepted!


Images may be no smaller than 300 dpi

Videos must be at least 720p



File Name

Files must include name, correlate submission number, and follow format:

Last name + First name + Entry Number

Example: Smith_Jane_1

Have a project with multiple files?

Name each file as: Last name + First name + Entry Number + Description




Copies of this publication can be obtained in an alternate format by This publication is available in standard print, braille, or electronically for people with disabilities. Please allow at least ten (10) business days to process this request.