Reggie Middleton Legal Fund

Bitcoin is built to run on Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) and with it comes a promise of peer-to-peer transactions where everyone can engage in financial markets transparently and without the need for intermediaries. This technology challenges the current financial system that has wielded control over us since the inception of centralized banking.

The Intellectual Property (IP) to this technology is not controlled by the current financial system, so a legal battle has been raging for years to pry it from the hands of its innovator, Reggie Middleton. 

A recent turn of events demands our full attention.

The New York Court has frozen Reggie’s assets, putting his patents at serious risk of theft. However, they underestimate the support of Reggie’s community.

This is a call to action. We must stand with Reggie to safeguard our sovereignty, our innovations and our future generations. Together, we hold the power to reclaim our autonomy and freedom. 

Every donation, no matter how small, makes a difference.

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Donation Portal 

All funds collected through this website are forwarded directly to the "Reggie Middleton Legal Fund"

Quantum Metals Limited - NZBN: 9429050481453

Christchurch, New Zealand

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