Dr. Julie Porteous

Application of AI Planning for Narrative Generation in Interactive Storytelling

Dr. Julie Porteous


My research interests lie in the area of AI Planning. Recently I have started looking at the application of AI planning for narrative generation in Interactive Storytelling systems. In the talk I'll give an overview of the features of these sorts of systems along with examples taken from some of the systems that I've worked on. Narrative planning is an interesting application for AI planning which poses some unique challenges. One such challenge results from the duality between narrative characters and the plot itself -- who are we planning for? -- so I'll talk a bit about work on the development of planning algorithms that aim to address this. Another challenge relates to the burden of authoring narrative planning domain models, and I'll say something about my work on the automated acquisition (authoring) of (narrative) planning domain models. I'll close with discussion of current work and future directions.