Other projects and events

One of the virtual environments created to showcase the signing avatar. Made in Unity.

Signing Avatar in Virtual Reality: An Intelligibility Study

Research presented during the 20th Symposium on Virtual and Augmented Reality (SVR), 2018

Abstract: A sign language avatar is an assistive technology used to convey information and support interaction for the deaf and hard of hearing. In this paper, the intelligibility of a signing avatar was evaluated using a Virtual Reality Head Mounted Display (HMD) and a conventional computer screen. The preliminary results show evidence that deaf and hard of hearing individuals better understand sign language content displayed on a VR HMD than on a flat-screen.

Lecture during the Tech Week at UNASP, 2020

Title: "Computer Animation: Applications and New Technologies"

1-hour talk to over 200 undergraduate students about computer animation and some of its applications. I also talked about some of the next-gen technologies such as motion matching, motion synthesis, and 3D pose estimation from RGB images.


Volunteer as a review in local congresses for undergraduate students and several national and regional science fairs (primary and secondary schools students), including:

  • 19ª FEBRACE 2021 Feira Brasileira de Ciências e Engenharia. 2020.

  • XXVIII Congresso de Iniciação Científica Unicamp. 2020.

  • 10º Grande Desafio 2019 Museu Exploratório de Ciências Unicamp. 2019.

  • XXVII Congresso de Iniciação Científica Unicamp. 2019.

  • 9º Grande Desafio 2018 Museu Exploratório de Ciências Unicamp. 2018.

10º Grande Desafio

FEEC ex-students meeting

9º Grande Desafio

9º Grande Desafio