Representation Learning and Clustering (RLC)

RLC24 - PRICAI-Workshop

Learning Representation and Clustering (RLC)

In conjunction with  PRICAI 2024  November. 18 - 24 2024,Kyoto, Japan

Workshop Overview

Data clustering and representation learning play an indispensable role in data science. They are very useful to explore massive data in many fields, including information retrieval, natural language processing, bioinformatics, recommender systems and computer vision. Despite their success, most existing clustering methods are severely challenged by the data generated by modern applications, which are typically high dimensional, noisy, heterogeneous and sparse or even collected from multiple sources or represented by multiple views where each describes a perspective of the data. This has driven many researchers to investigate new deep clustering models to overcome these difficulties. One promising category of such models relies on representation learning. Indeed learning a good data representation is crucial for clustering algorithms and combining the two tasks is a common way of exploring this type of data. The idea is to embed the original data into a low dimensional latent space and then perform clustering on this new space. Both tasks can be carried out sequentially or jointly; combining the two tasks is a common way of exploring this type of data.

Hence, one main goal of the workshop is to bring together the leading researchers who work on state-of-the-art deep unsupervised feature extraction and clustering models, and also the practitioners who seek novel applications. In summary, this workshop is an opportunity to:

The workshop is co-located with the  PRICAI2024 Pacific Rim International Conjerence on Artificial Intelligence - Nov 18-24, 202).

Important Dates

**All deadlines are 11:59 pm anywhere on earth**

Workshop Chairs

General Chair

Prof. Mohamed Nadif

Centre Borelli, CNRS,  Université de Paris Cité

45, rue des Saints Pères, 75270, Paris


Program Co-chair

Assoc. Prof. Lazhar Labiod

Centre Borelli, CNRS,  Université de Paris Cité

45, rue des Saints Pères, 75270, Paris


Workshop Organizers

Workshop Contact