Fun Activities

Where is Humphrey?

Color Humphrey and Take a Photo of him around town! Have people guess where he is!!

Here is a link to the Padlet

Here is a link to the coloring page

Hampster in a Wheel

Make Humphrey in a Wheel! All you need is a Humphrey hamster to color and cut out (linked here) and a paper plate!

None of the students could think of a word to rhyme with “Humphrey,” but Mandy Payne realized that her name rhymed with “candy cane.” Try to find a word that rhymes with your first or last name.

Kirk wrote a poem about a frog in which the first letter of each line spelled the word FROG. This is called an acrostic poem. Pick your favorite animal and write an acrostic poem.

Describe a time when you met a group of kids you didn’t know (first day of school, sports practice, Cub Scouts, Brownies, after-school program). Include how you felt and if other kids or grown-ups made you feel welcome. If it didn’t go well, include what you wish had happened.

Taking care of a pet is a big responsibility, and different types of animals have different needs. Choose a type of animal to research and use the internet, an encyclopedia or an animal reference book to find out more about their habitat, their life cycle, where the animal is found, and what you can do to take care of it as a pet.

How are Humphrey and Og alike? different?

Play the Humphrey Board Game

Here is a link to the Board Game print and play!!

Humphrey and Og Dance Video

Click here for a fun dance video! Who has the moves?

Humphrey and Og Jokes

Do you have any great jokes about hamsters or frogs? Friendship?

Add them to this padlet!!