Mapbox Studio is a suite of applications for designing custom map styles and managing your location data. Use Mapbox Studio to build and design a map to your exact specifications by uploading and editing your own data, utilizing Mapbox-provided tilesets, adding custom fonts and icons, or refining the built-in core styles. With Mapbox Studio, full data management and design control are at your fingertips.

Mapbox Studio gives you full control over styling interactive maps through the style editor. You can tweak the colors and fonts on a core style in minutes and start using the map in an app or website, or you can build your own map style from the ground up with custom data and carefully crafted style layers.

Mapbox Studio also lets you import data to use in your styles. When you import data into Mapbox Studio, your data is converted into vector tiles. Supported formats include Shapefiles, geoJSON files, CSV files, and more.

Finally, Mapbox Studio includes a dataset editor that lets you manage your own datasets. The dataset editor makes it possible to add point, line, and polygon features with draw tools. It includes a property editor for adding custom fields to your features. In Mapbox Studio, datasets can be converted to tilesets and then used in styles.

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Yes, you can add and remove components from your style similarly to how you would add or remove layers. Components have pre-determined positions where they will be added to your style so cannot be reordered, however you may reorder custom layers around them.

Components control multiple layers at once and have a special means of propagating changes to dozens of layers. The component properties that drive these changes are specific to our core styles and cannot be applied to custom styles created previously.

Map images can be found in several different file types. Often files can be found in incompatible formats like PDF, BMP, PNG or GIF. You will need to convert these file formats to the JPEG format before they can be used to create custom maps for a compatible device.

Craft & Oak was founded in San Francisco, CA. We have printing partners located across the United States and Europe. Every product that is shipped out is custom-made in the United States or Europe and hand-checked for absolute quality.

This just makes the entire map white for me. I have gotten a few URLs to work but most are either white or a copy of the satellite images. I signed up and downloaded for ArcGIS pro, because I read I could make a .tpk or .tpkx file from there and use that as well but have not been able to figure that out either.

I would really like to figure out how to customize the colors and other aspects of my map but keep running into issues. What is the best way for me to go about customizing my map for Unity SDK?

Are vector tile services a requirement for having custom maps besides satellite images? I am just curious because on the page it says "ArcGIS Maps SDK for Unity provides a number of preset basemaps." and I wanted to know what those basemaps were becuase if I can't use my own custom map, I would still prefer to see what their preset alternatives are until that feature is released. Does anyone know exactly what that page is referring to? Also can I create a .tpkx or .tpk file in ARCGis pro and use a customized map generated that way? When I use some urls like 


With the introduction of new custom maps, I feel coop should be able to be played on them. With that being said, the coop systems could also use a rework. Mainly talking about the constant disbanding of parties after beating a map. Players should be able to return back to the lobby with the players and then pick a new map vs. recreating an entire new lobby. Also if you have friends in game, you should be able to hit an "invite to lobby" button vs. creating a lobby code.

Whenever you download a new version of a custom map, the old version doesn't get deleted and will take up space forever until removed. Custom maps are usually 150mb - 600mb each, so if you play on custom servers regularly you might have 10gb+ of old custom map versions gathering dust.

There'll be a folder for each map with some arbitrary long number as a folder name. Each of these folders will have a bunch of nested folders, click through them til you get to the map files. If there's more than one file in the folder, delete all but the most recent. You can either check the date modified to figure out which is the current version, or look at the file name, they'll usually have the version at the end (ie: if you see customMapB1, customMapB2, and customMapB3, delete all but customMapB3)

@worldlusWell, your first point won't help as you can't do anything with that file of course. I can reproduce your issue, I also only saw those folders and the AdCache folder. I had to make the "Maps"-folder myself, but opening and saving a map in the worldbuilder also produced thiss map in the AppData directory. I put some custom maps in that "Maps"-directory and the game indeed also didn't recognize them and yes that folder has all permissions and this even occurs when running the game as administrator.

I've built a custom map and it looks beautiful in Graphbuilder. What I would like to do is add labels to the regions in it but I just can't seem to figure out how that is done. An example would be from the online tutorial where the study is of temperature distributions in an office building. They describe how to make the custom map and the final result shows the actual room numbers on the map itself, but unfortunately it wasn't described how they got there. Or a simpler example would be putting the state names within the US map.

Maybe there needs to be a sandbox option when making a map? This could make your map have a 30 minute timer with the option to allow drone/camera inside your map too. This would mean players can freeroam inside maps as a convoy and make awesome footage together.

I completely agree. I like the ideas of the ranked games, that maybe map creators could have their maps tested by Bytro employees to see if they're fair. (Any thoughts, mods?) But I've wanted this for a while and would love to see it become a thing.

I'd pay premium for a bare-bones editor where I can just set owners and make RP maps. It asks a lot of the devs to allow you to craft provinces entirely when simply being able to edit who owns what on maps that are already available is enough for me.

After an update on "game creation", you are now able to create 0 games each month if you don't have High Command and 1 game per month if you have High Command. You also have only 3 maps, because the other 9 got removed.

I just came across this post and am curious if you have any additional documentation on how you achieved this custom mapping? I am interested in displaying custom map tiles on QGC and I am impressed with your hydrological layering.

I have not tried to code anything based on QGC for some time. But a few months back I created a dev environment once more. Briefly built a sample app (and got seriously concerned as it seems to struggle to keep telemetry link active when communicating with my ArduRover SITL- over TCP). Anyway, I discovered that mapbox map along with other alternatives are available (incl offline) which is good. Did not check if a custom map is available though. You would need that (using a combo of MapBox account name and mapid) to utilize personal maps in made in MapBox as described above.

I've checked the forums and other places on the Internet, and all I can find is a few community-built guides that discuss how to use the Mission Editor (BOSEditor) to create custom missions, and in some cases make limited modifications to the terrain itself in an existing map. I've poked around in the Mission Editor itself, and I can see things in "Mission Properties" such as "Landscape info," which specifies a "Height Map," "Textures," "Forests" to use. However, it isn't clear to me how I can customize those things, or even if it's intended to be customizable.

I'm curious to know if it's possible to make a custom map, not just a custom mission for an existing map. I'm aware that you can create custom missions using the existing maps. I'm curious about creating entirely new maps, with entirely new terrain.

I don't think it's possible to create new maps from scratch in IL2GB at the moment - all tools and options in the Mission Editor are quite limited as far as

I can judge and from comments made by mission/campaign builders, the surface of existing maps can be modified, yes. But you can't build brand new

maps for now.

There is actually a map included in IL2GB which is not built by the official dev team - Velikie Luki or Lapino? - anyway one of those two maps was built

by some community crew and I think they might have had access to some more powerful tools to create these maps. I can't imagine they did it with

the official Mission Editor.

When creating maps most of the work is done in graphic programs like Photoshop or GIMP. Only later you will need the official tools to convert your work into the file format used by the game. The tools in the mission editor are only used later to work on details. e24fc04721

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