
Marine Microfossils - Archives of Past Climate

Planktic foraminifera are unicellular marine microorganisms that are ubiquitous in the world oceans. During their life-cycle of several weeks, they form a minute calcite shell with a diameter of typically less than half a millimeter. After their death, the empty shells sink to the seafloor and eventually get buried in marine sediments. Despite their small sizes, foraminifera shells shells can be preserved in marine sediments for tens of millions of years. Due to their ubiquity in the geologic record, fossil foraminifera, which are typically sampled from marine drill cores, are among the most important recorders of past environmental conditions. Parameters such as past ocean temperatures or certain changes in seawater composition can be deduced from the isotopic and chemical composition of these calcite shells. In concert with other paleoclimate indicators from the marine and continental realms, a comprehensive picture of past climates can be compiled.

Two foraminifera shells placed on a penny for scale.

SEM image of fossil shell of N. pachyderma from the North Atlantic. Dia. = 1/4 mm.

Since the 1950s, various approaches for the isotopic and chemical analyses of foraminifera shells were developed and refined, and millions of paleoclimate data points were generated that helped to shape our understanding of the Earth's past climate. Of particular importance is a detailed understating of past 'hothouse climates', which can be regarded as past climate analogues as they provide the opportunity to assess the sensitivity of the Earth's climate system to projected future increases in atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations. Global circulation models simulating the Earth's future climate development, including changes in global and regional precipitation/evaporation patterns and the rate and amount of future sea level rise, are tested and calibrated on these past climate analogues, thus, the acquisition of robust paleoclimate data is a task of high sociological importance.

In particular the oxygen isotope (δ18O) values and Mg/Ca ratios of foraminifera calcite are two widely used geochemical proxies for paleoceanographic reconstructions, yet the fidelity of these records is frequently questioned on the grounds that foraminifera shells found in deep-sea sediments are susceptible to postdepositional diagenesis.

One approach to minimizing the effects of diagenesis is to use geochemical data derived from exceptionally well preserved "glassy" (translucent) planktic foraminiferal shells recovered from clay-rich marine sediments; these shells are prized as the 'gold standard' for reconstructing past ocean temperatures. Unfortunately, sample locations preserving glassy planktic foraminifera in the sedimentary record are extremely sparse and largely limited to nearshore environments that may have been influenced by low δ18O waters from continental sources. The vast majority (>90%) of fossil foraminifera shells available for paleoclimate studies is less-than-ideally preserved, thus, the acquisition of robust paleoclimate data from moderately preserved sample material is one of the biggest challenges in paleoclimatology.

It was found that typically only certain domains of the shells are significantly altered, often in form of coatings or inorganic calcite reprecipitates on the outer and/or inner chamber wall, whereas minute domains encapsulated within the chamber wall may still largely represent the original isotopic and chemical composition from the time the shell was formed in the water column millions of years ago. However, until recently, it was not possible to exclude the unwanted material from analysis due to the extremely small dimensions of these domains (typically only >20 microns). Conventionally, whole foraminifera shells are analyzed, and the resulting compositional data are therefore a mixture of the original biogenic and the secondary diagenetic calcite. While certain corrections for the effects of diagenetic overprints can be applied, it is not always possible to precicely quantify their extent.

These challenges can be circumvented by the use of new or improved analytical approaches that only analyze the better-preserved domains within foraminifera shells. My research group is focusing on new sample screening techniques combined with in situ analytical approaches by Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (SIMS), Electron Probe Microanalyzer (EPMA), and Laser-Ablation Inductively-Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (LA-ICPMS) to deduce more robust paleoclimate data from foraminifera shells that are only moderately preserved but are representative of >90% of the samples recovered from marine drill cores.

Poster created for an "Open-House" exhibition introducing the analytical approach

Eos, Vol 92, No. 41. 2011

Eos, Vol 94, No. 45. 2013