Dear ________, _______ , _________ Class,

Good morning! Today is ___________________ . It will be a ______ , _______, _____ day.

Today your special subject is _________________________. Remember to spend at least 30 minutes

reading, 30 minutes writing, 30 minutes doing math activities, and choose either a science or a social

studies activity too!

Remember to check in to your Google Classroom where there are many fun activities and

links to learning for you to choose from.

I know you will have a _______ , _______ , _______, and educational day!

Your fortunate teachers,

Ms. Cleary or Mrs. Duffy

*What greeting would you choose today?

Morning Message Directions

As you read the message each day fill in the following:

*3 adjectives to describe you and your class (ex. kind, funny, happy),

*Day of the week, *3 weather adjectives, *Your special (PE, Art, Music, or Library), and

*3 adjectives to describe how your day will be. ( ex. wonderful, exciting, amazing)